TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 522 DATE/TIME: 2006 Sep 19 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, binned 2x2 TEMP (C): -35 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00254)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 523 DATE/TIME: 2006 Sep 20 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, binned 2x2 TEMP (C): -35 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00258)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 526 DATE/TIME: 2006 Sep 25 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, binned 2x2 TEMP (C): -35 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00278)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 537 DATE/TIME: 2006 Sep 28 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, unbinned 1x1 TEMP (C): -40 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00289)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 538 DATE/TIME: 2006 Sep 30 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, unbinned 1x1 TEMP (C): -40 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00295)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 540 DATE/TIME: 2006 Oct 01 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, unbinned 1x1 TEMP (C): -35 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00298)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* TARGET: V002234.5+614417 SESSION NUMBER: 547 DATE/TIME: 2006 Oct 11 @ 00:00 FILTER: C TELESCOPE: 0.25-m f/10 SCT FOCAL LENGTH: 2500.00 CAMERA: AP47, unbinned 1x1 TEMP (C): -40 EXPOSURE (s): 120 APPROX. RA: 00:23 APPROX. DEC: +62 EXPOSURE JD: Mid-exposure JD CORR METHOD: Heliocentric JD JD CORRECTION: JD = JD(raw) - (-0.00326)d UNITY CORR: -5 * log(SunDist * EarthDist): N/A (Sun and/or Earth distance not computed) NOTE: The unity correction is NOT included in the reduced magnitudes. MAG. METHOD: Instrumental NOTE: For multiple sessions, differential magnitudes include adjustments ADDED to the Obj-CAvg value to compensate for changing phase angle, distance, and refinements to the base average value of the comparison stars. The phase angle calculations include the effects of the phase parameter, G. This value is taken from the MPCORB value at the time the calculations were made. BASE COMP VALUE: +0.000 BASE CORRECTION: +0.000 PHASE/DIST CORR: +0.000 P/D ADJUST (-/DAY):+0.000 P/D ADJUST (+/DAY):+0.000 THE P/D ADJUSTMENTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE VALUES BELOW. ERROR CALC: The magnitude error is calculated by the following: Err = sqrt(sqr(ERR[target]) + sqr(Err[Comps])) where Err[Target] = 1.0857/SNR[target] Err[Comps] = sqrt(sqr(1.0857/SNR[Comp1])... + sqr(1.0857/SNR[CompN])) / N The factor of 1.0857 converts flux to magnitudes (Howell) ********************************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------- J.D. Obj-CAvg Err Session ------------------------------------------- 2453997.59274 -0.159 0.005 522 2453997.60004 -0.180 0.004 522 2453997.60465 -0.188 0.004 522 2453997.60619 -0.197 0.004 522 2453997.60772 -0.191 0.004 522 2453997.60926 -0.198 0.004 522 2453997.61079 -0.197 0.004 522 2453997.61233 -0.197 0.004 522 2453997.61386 -0.204 0.004 522 2453997.61540 -0.195 0.004 522 2453997.61694 -0.203 0.004 522 2453997.61848 -0.208 0.004 522 2453997.62001 -0.207 0.004 522 2453997.62155 -0.216 0.004 522 2453997.62308 -0.202 0.004 522 2453997.62462 -0.195 0.004 522 2453997.62616 -0.208 0.004 522 2453997.62770 -0.190 0.004 522 2453997.62923 -0.183 0.004 522 2453997.63077 -0.181 0.004 522 2453997.63384 -0.182 0.004 522 2453997.63537 -0.172 0.004 522 2453997.63692 -0.165 0.004 522 2453997.63845 -0.167 0.004 522 2453997.63999 -0.157 0.004 522 2453997.64152 -0.146 0.004 522 2453997.64306 -0.154 0.004 522 2453997.64460 -0.148 0.004 522 2453997.64614 -0.160 0.004 522 2453997.64827 -0.127 0.004 522 2453997.65200 -0.110 0.004 522 2453997.65353 -0.113 0.004 522 2453997.65507 -0.109 0.004 522 2453997.65660 -0.107 0.004 522 2453997.65814 -0.088 0.004 522 2453997.65968 -0.078 0.004 522 2453997.66122 -0.081 0.004 522 2453997.66275 -0.048 0.004 522 2453997.66429 -0.033 0.004 522 2453997.66582 -0.027 0.004 522 2453997.66736 -0.011 0.004 522 2453997.66889 -0.027 0.004 522 2453997.67043 +0.004 0.004 522 2453997.67197 +0.024 0.004 522 2453997.67351 +0.036 0.004 522 2453997.67504 +0.046 0.004 522 2453997.67658 +0.061 0.004 522 2453997.67811 +0.089 0.005 522 2453997.67965 +0.098 0.005 522 2453997.68119 +0.117 0.005 522 2453997.68273 +0.151 0.005 522 2453997.68426 +0.173 0.005 522 2453997.68733 +0.192 0.005 522 2453997.68887 +0.225 0.005 522 2453997.69040 +0.256 0.005 522 2453997.69194 +0.277 0.005 522 2453997.69348 +0.240 0.005 522 2453997.69502 +0.296 0.005 522 2453997.69655 +0.299 0.005 522 2453997.69809 +0.314 0.005 522 2453997.69962 +0.290 0.005 522 2453997.70116 +0.292 0.005 522 2453997.70269 +0.278 0.005 522 2453997.70423 +0.287 0.005 522 2453997.70731 +0.314 0.005 522 2453997.70884 +0.310 0.005 522 2453997.71345 +0.299 0.005 522 2453997.71498 +0.291 0.005 522 2453997.71652 +0.296 0.005 522 2453997.71805 +0.301 0.005 522 2453997.71960 +0.293 0.005 522 2453997.72113 +0.301 0.005 522 2453997.72267 +0.294 0.005 522 2453997.72420 +0.265 0.005 522 2453997.72574 +0.258 0.005 522 2453997.72727 +0.262 0.005 522 2453997.72881 +0.221 0.005 522 2453997.73035 +0.202 0.005 522 2453997.73189 +0.184 0.004 522 2453997.73342 +0.170 0.004 522 2453997.73496 +0.140 0.004 522 2453997.73649 +0.124 0.004 522 2453997.73803 +0.099 0.004 522 2453997.73956 +0.080 0.004 522 2453997.74110 +0.076 0.004 522 2453997.74264 +0.049 0.004 522 2453997.74418 +0.030 0.004 522 2453997.74571 +0.011 0.004 522 2453997.74725 +0.007 0.004 522 2453997.74878 -0.030 0.004 522 2453997.75032 -0.033 0.004 522 2453997.75185 -0.030 0.004 522 2453997.75339 -0.068 0.004 522 2453997.75492 -0.047 0.004 522 2453997.75646 -0.075 0.004 522 2453997.75800 -0.080 0.004 522 2453997.75954 -0.088 0.004 522 2453997.76261 -0.096 0.004 522 2453997.76415 -0.110 0.004 522 2453997.76569 -0.110 0.004 522 2453997.76722 -0.131 0.004 522 2453997.76876 -0.124 0.004 522 2453997.77029 -0.132 0.004 522 2453997.77183 -0.121 0.004 522 2453997.77337 -0.142 0.004 522 2453997.77491 -0.140 0.004 522 2453997.77644 -0.143 0.004 522 2453997.77798 -0.154 0.004 522 2453997.77951 -0.162 0.004 522 2453997.78258 -0.168 0.004 522 2453997.78413 -0.175 0.004 522 2453997.78566 -0.167 0.004 522 2453997.78720 -0.175 0.004 522 2453997.78873 -0.185 0.004 522 2453997.79027 -0.193 0.004 522 2453997.79180 -0.201 0.004 522 2453997.79334 -0.187 0.004 522 2453997.79488 -0.188 0.004 522 2453997.79795 -0.193 0.004 522 2453997.79949 -0.201 0.004 522 2453997.80102 -0.187 0.004 522 2453997.80256 -0.181 0.004 522 2453997.80410 -0.177 0.004 522 2453997.80564 -0.180 0.004 522 2453997.80717 -0.187 0.004 522 2453997.80871 -0.176 0.004 522 2453997.81024 -0.186 0.004 522 2453997.81178 -0.185 0.004 522 2453997.81332 -0.194 0.004 522 2453997.81486 -0.175 0.004 522 2453997.81639 -0.177 0.004 522 2453997.81793 -0.181 0.004 522 2453997.81946 -0.160 0.004 522 2453997.82100 -0.142 0.004 522 2453997.82254 -0.141 0.004 522 2453997.82408 -0.124 0.004 522 2453997.82561 -0.125 0.004 522 2453997.82715 -0.132 0.004 522 2453997.82868 -0.123 0.004 522 2453997.83022 -0.126 0.004 522 2453997.83176 -0.105 0.004 522 2453997.83330 -0.103 0.004 522 2453997.83483 -0.084 0.004 522 2453997.83637 -0.086 0.004 522 2453997.83790 -0.058 0.004 522 2453997.83944 -0.057 0.004 522 2453997.84252 -0.035 0.004 522 2453997.84405 -0.036 0.004 522 2453997.84559 -0.007 0.004 522 2453997.84712 +0.000 0.004 522 2453997.84866 +0.010 0.004 522 2453997.85019 +0.010 0.004 522 2453997.85173 +0.027 0.004 522 2453997.85327 +0.061 0.004 522 2453997.85481 +0.073 0.004 522 2453997.85634 +0.071 0.004 522 2453997.85788 +0.097 0.004 522 2453997.85941 +0.120 0.004 522 2453997.86095 +0.129 0.004 522 2453997.86248 +0.151 0.004 522 2453997.86402 +0.177 0.004 522 2453997.86556 +0.167 0.004 522 2453997.86710 +0.215 0.004 522 2453997.86863 +0.237 0.004 522 2453997.87017 +0.261 0.005 522 2453997.87170 +0.263 0.005 522 2453997.87324 +0.290 0.005 522 2453997.87477 +0.288 0.005 522 2453997.87631 +0.291 0.005 522 2453997.87784 +0.317 0.005 522 2453997.87939 +0.322 0.005 522 2453997.88092 +0.311 0.005 522 2453997.88246 +0.282 0.005 522 2453997.88399 +0.309 0.005 522 2453997.88553 +0.331 0.005 522 2453997.88706 +0.312 0.005 522 2453997.88860 +0.308 0.005 522 2453997.89013 +0.316 0.005 522 2453997.89320 +0.303 0.005 522 2453997.89475 +0.306 0.005 522 2453997.89628 +0.303 0.005 522 2453997.89782 +0.287 0.005 522 2453997.89935 +0.292 0.005 522 2453997.90089 +0.301 0.005 522 2453997.90242 +0.273 0.005 522 2453997.90397 +0.262 0.005 522 2453997.90550 +0.238 0.005 522 2453997.90704 +0.202 0.004 522 2453997.90857 +0.202 0.004 522 2453997.91011 +0.177 0.004 522 2453997.91164 +0.151 0.004 522 2453997.91319 +0.134 0.004 522 2453997.91472 +0.100 0.004 522 2453997.91626 +0.097 0.004 522 2453997.91819 +0.084 0.004 522 2453997.91974 +0.061 0.004 522 2453997.92127 +0.044 0.004 522 2453997.92281 +0.043 0.004 522 2453997.92434 +0.018 0.004 522 2453997.92588 -0.002 0.004 522 2453997.92741 -0.011 0.004 522 2453997.92895 -0.016 0.004 522 2453997.93049 -0.044 0.004 522 2453997.93203 -0.049 0.004 522 2453997.93356 -0.061 0.004 522 2453997.93510 -0.069 0.004 522 2453997.93663 -0.093 0.004 522 2453997.93817 -0.079 0.004 522 2453997.93970 -0.091 0.004 522 2453997.94124 -0.108 0.004 522 2453997.94278 -0.101 0.004 522 2453997.94585 -0.119 0.004 522 2453997.94739 -0.130 0.004 522 2453997.94892 -0.134 0.004 522 2453997.95046 -0.143 0.004 522 2453997.95200 -0.155 0.004 522 2453997.95354 -0.152 0.004 522 2453997.95507 -0.154 0.004 522 2453997.95661 -0.160 0.004 522 2453997.95814 -0.176 0.004 522 2453997.95968 -0.164 0.004 522 2453997.96121 -0.171 0.004 522 2453997.96275 -0.172 0.004 522 2453997.96428 -0.174 0.004 522 2453997.96583 -0.191 0.004 522 2453997.96736 -0.195 0.004 522 2453997.96890 -0.189 0.004 522 2453997.97043 -0.197 0.004 522 2453997.97197 -0.211 0.004 522 2453997.97504 -0.191 0.004 522 2453997.97657 -0.195 0.004 522 2453997.97812 -0.179 0.004 522 2453997.97965 -0.170 0.004 522 2453997.98119 -0.173 0.004 522 2453997.98272 -0.188 0.004 522 2453997.98426 -0.173 0.005 522 2453997.98579 -0.192 0.005 522 2453997.98733 -0.181 0.005 522 2453997.98887 -0.156 0.006 522 2453998.58305 +0.187 0.010 523 2453998.58629 +0.210 0.008 523 2453998.58783 +0.240 0.008 523 2453998.58937 +0.267 0.007 523 2453998.59091 +0.300 0.007 523 2453998.59244 +0.261 0.007 523 2453998.59398 +0.285 0.006 523 2453998.59551 +0.279 0.006 523 2453998.59705 +0.280 0.006 523 2453998.59858 +0.263 0.006 523 2453998.60012 +0.301 0.006 523 2453998.60166 +0.274 0.006 523 2453998.60320 +0.274 0.006 523 2453998.60473 +0.271 0.006 523 2453998.60627 +0.270 0.006 523 2453998.60780 +0.257 0.006 523 2453998.60934 +0.279 0.006 523 2453998.61088 +0.261 0.006 523 2453998.61242 +0.256 0.006 523 2453998.61395 +0.239 0.006 523 2453998.61549 +0.242 0.006 523 2453998.61702 +0.237 0.006 523 2453998.61856 +0.241 0.005 523 2453998.62010 +0.188 0.005 523 2453998.62164 +0.189 0.005 523 2453998.62317 +0.163 0.005 523 2453998.62471 +0.138 0.005 523 2453998.62624 +0.134 0.005 523 2453998.62778 +0.114 0.005 523 2453998.62931 +0.083 0.005 523 2453998.63086 +0.068 0.005 523 2453998.63393 +0.048 0.005 523 2453998.63639 +0.014 0.005 523 2453998.63793 +0.009 0.005 523 2453998.63947 -0.012 0.004 523 2453998.64101 -0.028 0.004 523 2453998.64254 -0.037 0.004 523 2453998.64408 -0.052 0.004 523 2453998.64561 -0.050 0.004 523 2453998.64715 -0.083 0.004 523 2453998.64868 -0.061 0.004 523 2453998.65023 -0.086 0.004 523 2453998.65176 -0.112 0.004 523 2453998.65330 -0.125 0.004 523 2453998.65483 -0.114 0.004 523 2453998.65637 -0.110 0.004 523 2453998.65791 -0.128 0.004 523 2453998.65945 -0.144 0.004 523 2453998.66098 -0.141 0.004 523 2453998.66252 -0.141 0.004 523 2453998.66405 -0.142 0.004 523 2453998.66559 -0.173 0.004 523 2453998.66712 -0.184 0.004 523 2453998.66867 -0.165 0.004 523 2453998.67020 -0.186 0.004 523 2453998.67174 -0.181 0.004 523 2453998.67327 -0.185 0.004 523 2453998.67481 -0.197 0.004 523 2453998.67634 -0.195 0.004 523 2453998.67788 -0.199 0.004 523 2453998.67942 -0.212 0.004 523 2453998.68096 -0.204 0.004 523 2453998.68403 -0.217 0.004 523 2453998.68556 -0.230 0.004 523 2453998.68710 -0.206 0.004 523 2453998.68863 -0.219 0.004 523 2453998.69017 -0.219 0.004 523 2453998.69170 -0.223 0.004 523 2453998.69325 -0.229 0.004 523 2453998.69478 -0.215 0.004 523 2453998.69632 -0.222 0.004 523 2453998.69785 -0.224 0.004 523 2453998.69939 -0.214 0.004 523 2453998.70092 -0.206 0.004 523 2453998.70246 -0.191 0.004 523 2453998.70400 -0.203 0.004 523 2453998.70554 -0.207 0.004 523 2453998.70707 -0.194 0.004 523 2453998.70861 -0.173 0.004 523 2453998.71014 -0.167 0.004 523 2453998.71168 -0.169 0.004 523 2453998.71322 -0.174 0.004 523 2453998.71476 -0.154 0.004 523 2453998.71629 -0.159 0.004 523 2453998.71783 -0.154 0.004 523 2453998.71936 -0.141 0.004 523 2453998.72090 -0.142 0.004 523 2453998.72243 -0.127 0.004 523 2453998.72398 -0.133 0.004 523 2453998.72551 -0.122 0.004 523 2453998.72705 -0.112 0.004 523 2453998.72858 -0.101 0.004 523 2453998.73012 -0.088 0.004 523 2453998.73165 -0.078 0.004 523 2453998.73473 -0.077 0.004 523 2453998.73627 -0.062 0.004 523 2453998.73780 -0.052 0.004 523 2453998.73934 -0.055 0.004 523 2453998.74087 -0.027 0.004 523 2453998.74241 -0.007 0.004 523 2453998.74395 -0.019 0.004 523 2453998.74549 +0.025 0.004 523 2453998.74702 +0.019 0.004 523 2453998.74856 +0.034 0.004 523 2453998.75009 +0.058 0.004 523 2453998.75163 +0.092 0.004 523 2453998.75316 +0.082 0.004 523 2453998.75470 +0.126 0.004 523 2453998.75624 +0.113 0.004 523 2453998.75778 +0.167 0.004 523 2453998.75931 +0.164 0.004 523 2453998.76085 +0.192 0.005 523 2453998.76238 +0.238 0.005 523 2453998.76392 +0.217 0.005 523 2453998.76545 +0.252 0.005 523 2453998.76700 +0.243 0.005 523 2453998.76853 +0.285 0.005 523 2453998.77007 +0.258 0.005 523 2453998.77160 +0.271 0.005 523 2453998.77314 +0.269 0.005 523 2453998.77468 +0.295 0.005 523 2453998.77622 +0.274 0.005 523 2453998.77775 +0.264 0.005 523 2453998.77929 +0.274 0.005 523 2453998.78082 +0.257 0.005 523 2453998.78236 +0.252 0.005 523 2453998.78389 +0.293 0.005 523 2453998.78697 +0.282 0.005 523 2453998.79004 +0.261 0.005 523 2453998.79158 +0.258 0.005 523 2453998.79311 +0.275 0.005 523 2453998.79465 +0.280 0.005 523 2453998.79618 +0.267 0.005 523 2453998.79772 +0.270 0.005 523 2453998.79926 +0.249 0.005 523 2453998.80080 +0.216 0.005 523 2453998.80233 +0.203 0.005 523 2453998.80387 +0.188 0.004 523 2453998.80540 +0.157 0.004 523 2453998.80694 +0.142 0.004 523 2453998.80847 +0.108 0.004 523 2453998.81001 +0.109 0.004 523 2453998.81155 +0.081 0.004 523 2453998.81309 +0.080 0.004 523 2453998.81462 +0.036 0.004 523 2453998.81616 +0.012 0.004 523 2453998.81769 +0.011 0.004 523 2453998.81923 -0.003 0.004 523 2453998.82076 -0.007 0.004 523 2453998.82230 -0.028 0.004 523 2453998.82384 -0.042 0.004 523 2453998.82538 -0.069 0.004 523 2453998.82691 -0.070 0.004 523 2453998.82845 -0.077 0.004 523 2453998.82998 -0.081 0.004 523 2453998.83152 -0.077 0.004 523 2453998.83305 -0.104 0.004 523 2453998.83459 -0.090 0.004 523 2453998.83612 -0.099 0.004 523 2453998.83766 -0.127 0.004 523 2453998.83920 -0.130 0.004 523 2453998.84074 -0.134 0.004 523 2453998.84227 -0.141 0.004 523 2453998.84381 -0.147 0.004 523 2453998.84534 -0.150 0.004 523 2453998.84688 -0.152 0.004 523 2453998.84841 -0.160 0.004 523 2453998.84995 -0.163 0.004 523 2453998.85149 -0.175 0.004 523 2453998.85303 -0.185 0.004 523 2453998.85456 -0.178 0.004 523 2453998.85610 -0.192 0.004 523 2453998.85763 -0.199 0.004 523 2453998.85917 -0.205 0.004 523 2453998.86070 -0.196 0.004 523 2453998.86225 -0.206 0.004 523 2453998.86378 -0.203 0.004 523 2453998.86532 -0.201 0.004 523 2453998.86839 -0.206 0.004 523 2453998.86992 -0.203 0.004 523 2453998.87147 -0.194 0.004 523 2453998.87300 -0.201 0.004 523 2453998.87454 -0.199 0.004 523 2453998.87607 -0.220 0.004 523 2453998.87761 -0.189 0.004 523 2453998.87915 -0.207 0.004 523 2453998.88069 -0.189 0.004 523 2453998.88222 -0.201 0.004 523 2453998.88376 -0.197 0.004 523 2453998.88529 -0.201 0.004 523 2453998.88684 -0.190 0.004 523 2453998.88837 -0.183 0.004 523 2453998.88991 -0.192 0.004 523 2453998.89144 -0.182 0.004 523 2453998.89298 -0.175 0.004 523 2453998.89451 -0.173 0.004 523 2453998.89758 -0.148 0.004 523 2453998.89913 -0.167 0.004 523 2453998.90066 -0.160 0.004 523 2453998.90220 -0.136 0.004 523 2453998.90373 -0.111 0.004 523 2453998.90527 -0.130 0.004 523 2453998.90680 -0.117 0.004 523 2453998.90834 -0.119 0.004 523 2453998.90987 -0.092 0.004 523 2453998.91141 -0.095 0.004 523 2453998.91295 -0.082 0.004 523 2453998.91449 -0.076 0.004 523 2453998.91602 -0.060 0.004 523 2453998.91756 -0.061 0.004 523 2453998.91909 -0.034 0.004 523 2453998.92064 -0.042 0.004 523 2453998.92217 -0.015 0.004 523 2453998.92371 +0.007 0.004 523 2453998.92524 +0.014 0.004 523 2453998.92678 +0.025 0.004 523 2453998.92831 +0.043 0.004 523 2453998.92985 +0.064 0.004 523 2453998.93138 +0.069 0.004 523 2453998.93293 +0.112 0.005 523 2453998.93446 +0.107 0.005 523 2453998.93600 +0.141 0.005 523 2453998.93753 +0.152 0.005 523 2453998.93907 +0.192 0.005 523 2453998.94060 +0.215 0.005 523 2453998.94214 +0.212 0.005 523 2453998.94368 +0.220 0.005 523 2453998.94522 +0.238 0.005 523 2453998.94675 +0.269 0.005 523 2453998.94829 +0.281 0.005 523 2453998.94982 +0.280 0.005 523 2453998.95136 +0.276 0.005 523 2453998.95290 +0.273 0.005 523 2453998.95444 +0.259 0.005 523 2453998.95597 +0.272 0.005 523 2453998.95751 +0.280 0.005 523 2453998.95904 +0.293 0.005 523 2453998.96058 +0.301 0.005 523 2453998.96212 +0.284 0.005 523 2453998.96366 +0.267 0.005 523 2453998.96519 +0.280 0.005 523 2453998.96673 +0.259 0.005 523 2453998.96826 +0.265 0.005 523 2453998.97133 +0.262 0.006 523 2453998.97287 +0.252 0.005 523 2453998.97441 +0.252 0.006 523 2453998.97595 +0.245 0.006 523 2453998.97748 +0.214 0.005 523 2453998.97902 +0.202 0.005 523 2453998.98055 +0.168 0.006 523 2453998.98362 +0.130 0.006 523 2453998.98516 +0.124 0.006 523 2453998.98824 +0.072 0.007 523 2453998.98977 +0.074 0.007 523 2453998.99131 +0.032 0.008 523 2454003.62122 +0.283 0.005 526 2454003.62276 +0.289 0.005 526 2454003.62738 +0.251 0.005 526 2454003.62892 +0.227 0.005 526 2454003.63045 +0.199 0.005 526 2454003.63200 +0.182 0.005 526 2454003.63353 +0.175 0.005 526 2454003.63507 +0.171 0.005 526 2454003.63660 +0.135 0.005 526 2454003.63967 +0.096 0.004 526 2454003.64122 +0.090 0.004 526 2454003.64275 +0.074 0.004 526 2454003.64429 +0.040 0.004 526 2454003.64582 +0.036 0.004 526 2454003.64736 +0.027 0.004 526 2454003.64889 +0.005 0.004 526 2454003.65043 -0.003 0.004 526 2454003.65197 -0.007 0.004 526 2454003.65351 -0.034 0.004 526 2454003.65504 -0.040 0.004 526 2454003.65658 -0.047 0.004 526 2454003.65889 -0.070 0.004 526 2454003.66043 -0.083 0.004 526 2454003.66300 -0.080 0.004 526 2454003.66455 -0.090 0.004 526 2454003.66608 -0.104 0.004 526 2454003.66762 -0.111 0.004 526 2454003.66915 -0.128 0.004 526 2454003.67069 -0.131 0.004 526 2454003.67223 -0.133 0.004 526 2454003.67377 -0.143 0.004 526 2454003.67530 -0.148 0.004 526 2454003.67684 -0.163 0.004 526 2454003.67837 -0.156 0.004 526 2454003.67991 -0.157 0.004 526 2454003.68145 -0.173 0.004 526 2454003.68299 -0.166 0.004 526 2454003.68452 -0.176 0.004 526 2454003.68606 -0.182 0.004 526 2454003.68759 -0.173 0.004 526 2454003.68913 -0.197 0.004 526 2454003.69067 -0.182 0.004 526 2454003.69221 -0.189 0.004 526 2454003.69374 -0.188 0.004 526 2454003.69528 -0.197 0.004 526 2454003.69681 -0.196 0.004 526 2454003.69835 -0.185 0.004 526 2454003.69988 -0.193 0.004 526 2454003.70143 -0.191 0.004 526 2454003.70296 -0.184 0.004 526 2454003.70450 -0.188 0.004 526 2454003.70603 -0.177 0.004 526 2454003.70757 -0.176 0.004 526 2454003.70978 -0.177 0.004 526 2454003.71132 -0.169 0.004 526 2454003.71285 -0.156 0.004 526 2454003.71439 -0.188 0.004 526 2454003.71592 -0.159 0.004 526 2454003.72053 -0.139 0.004 526 2454003.72207 -0.141 0.004 526 2454003.72361 -0.135 0.004 526 2454003.72514 -0.124 0.004 526 2454003.72668 -0.113 0.004 526 2454003.72821 -0.121 0.004 526 2454003.72975 -0.116 0.004 526 2454003.73129 -0.102 0.004 526 2454003.73283 -0.082 0.004 526 2454003.73436 -0.094 0.004 526 2454003.73590 -0.089 0.004 526 2454003.73743 -0.079 0.004 526 2454003.73897 -0.063 0.004 526 2454003.74050 -0.062 0.004 526 2454003.74204 -0.061 0.004 526 2454003.74358 -0.050 0.004 526 2454003.74512 -0.032 0.004 526 2454003.74665 -0.031 0.004 526 2454003.74819 -0.013 0.004 526 2454003.74972 -0.020 0.004 526 2454003.75126 +0.000 0.004 526 2454003.75279 +0.022 0.004 526 2454003.75433 +0.030 0.004 526 2454003.75654 +0.084 0.004 526 2454003.75808 +0.081 0.004 526 2454003.75961 +0.113 0.004 526 2454003.76115 +0.140 0.004 526 2454003.76268 +0.141 0.004 526 2454003.76422 +0.183 0.004 526 2454003.76575 +0.182 0.004 526 2454003.76729 +0.209 0.004 526 2454003.76882 +0.244 0.005 526 2454003.77190 +0.252 0.005 526 2454003.77344 +0.289 0.005 526 2454003.77497 +0.314 0.005 526 2454003.77651 +0.300 0.005 526 2454003.77804 +0.307 0.005 526 2454003.77959 +0.304 0.005 526 2454003.78112 +0.294 0.005 526 2454003.78266 +0.319 0.005 526 2454003.78419 +0.302 0.005 526 2454003.78573 +0.306 0.005 526 2454003.78726 +0.309 0.005 526 2454003.78880 +0.294 0.005 526 2454003.79034 +0.318 0.005 526 2454003.79188 +0.310 0.005 526 2454003.79341 +0.322 0.005 526 2454003.79495 +0.302 0.005 526 2454003.79648 +0.300 0.005 526 2454003.79803 +0.301 0.005 526 2454003.79956 +0.305 0.005 526 2454003.80110 +0.313 0.005 526 2454003.80330 +0.278 0.005 526 2454003.80484 +0.262 0.005 526 2454003.80638 +0.251 0.005 526 2454003.80792 +0.251 0.005 526 2454003.80945 +0.237 0.005 526 2454003.81099 +0.196 0.004 526 2454003.81252 +0.183 0.004 526 2454003.81406 +0.175 0.004 526 2454003.81560 +0.167 0.004 526 2454003.81714 +0.136 0.004 526 2454003.81867 +0.116 0.004 526 2454003.82021 +0.077 0.004 526 2454003.82174 +0.076 0.004 526 2454003.82328 +0.061 0.004 526 2454003.82481 +0.048 0.004 526 2454003.82636 +0.022 0.004 526 2454003.82789 +0.005 0.004 526 2454003.82943 -0.005 0.004 526 2454003.83096 -0.023 0.004 526 2454003.83250 -0.030 0.004 526 2454003.83403 -0.034 0.004 526 2454003.83557 -0.048 0.004 526 2454003.83711 -0.079 0.004 526 2454003.83865 -0.081 0.004 526 2454003.84018 -0.073 0.004 526 2454003.84172 -0.079 0.004 526 2454003.84325 -0.095 0.004 526 2454003.84479 -0.095 0.004 526 2454003.84632 -0.102 0.004 526 2454003.84787 -0.113 0.004 526 2454003.85007 -0.121 0.004 526 2454003.85162 -0.135 0.004 526 2454003.85315 -0.149 0.004 526 2454003.85469 -0.140 0.004 526 2454003.85622 -0.154 0.004 526 2454003.85776 -0.158 0.004 526 2454003.85930 -0.154 0.004 526 2454003.86084 -0.172 0.004 526 2454003.86237 -0.170 0.004 526 2454003.86391 -0.175 0.004 526 2454003.86544 -0.177 0.004 526 2454003.86698 -0.181 0.004 526 2454003.86851 -0.195 0.004 526 2454003.87006 -0.188 0.004 526 2454003.87159 -0.183 0.004 526 2454003.87313 -0.182 0.004 526 2454003.87466 -0.196 0.004 526 2454003.87620 -0.199 0.004 526 2454003.87773 -0.201 0.004 526 2454003.87927 -0.199 0.004 526 2454003.88081 -0.208 0.004 526 2454003.88235 -0.204 0.004 526 2454003.88388 -0.192 0.004 526 2454003.88695 -0.192 0.004 526 2454003.88849 -0.184 0.004 526 2454003.89002 -0.180 0.004 526 2454003.89156 -0.184 0.004 526 2454003.89309 -0.182 0.004 526 2454003.89464 -0.184 0.004 526 2454003.89685 -0.165 0.004 526 2454003.89839 -0.166 0.004 526 2454003.90146 -0.158 0.004 526 2454003.90299 -0.148 0.004 526 2454003.90453 -0.148 0.004 526 2454003.90606 -0.136 0.004 526 2454003.90761 -0.148 0.004 526 2454003.90914 -0.134 0.004 526 2454003.91068 -0.117 0.004 526 2454003.91221 -0.112 0.004 526 2454003.91375 -0.105 0.004 526 2454003.91528 -0.092 0.004 526 2454003.91682 -0.072 0.004 526 2454003.91835 -0.080 0.004 526 2454003.92143 -0.056 0.004 526 2454003.92297 -0.043 0.004 526 2454003.92450 -0.039 0.004 526 2454003.92604 -0.037 0.004 526 2454003.92757 -0.028 0.004 526 2454003.92911 -0.002 0.004 526 2454003.93064 -0.008 0.004 526 2454003.93218 +0.028 0.004 526 2454003.93372 +0.054 0.004 526 2454003.93526 +0.039 0.004 526 2454003.93679 +0.053 0.004 526 2454003.93833 +0.087 0.005 526 2454003.93986 +0.113 0.005 526 2454003.94140 +0.127 0.005 526 2454003.94361 +0.151 0.005 526 2454003.94515 +0.171 0.005 526 2454003.94668 +0.179 0.005 526 2454003.94822 +0.200 0.005 526 2454003.95129 +0.237 0.005 526 2454003.95283 +0.288 0.005 526 2454003.95437 +0.284 0.005 526 2454003.95590 +0.279 0.005 526 2454003.95744 +0.292 0.005 526 2454003.95897 +0.274 0.005 526 2454003.96051 +0.300 0.005 526 2454003.96204 +0.289 0.005 526 2454003.96511 +0.286 0.005 526 2454003.96665 +0.276 0.005 526 2454003.96819 +0.308 0.005 526 2454003.96973 +0.284 0.005 526 2454003.97126 +0.305 0.006 526 2454003.97280 +0.297 0.005 526 2454003.97433 +0.275 0.005 526 2454003.97587 +0.289 0.006 526 2454003.97740 +0.309 0.006 526 2454003.97894 +0.304 0.006 526 2454003.98048 +0.275 0.006 526 2454003.98202 +0.296 0.006 526 2454003.98355 +0.282 0.006 526 2454003.98509 +0.248 0.006 526 2454003.98662 +0.236 0.006 526 2454003.98816 +0.217 0.006 526 2454003.99037 +0.187 0.006 526 2454006.67057 +0.247 0.005 537 2454006.67244 +0.214 0.005 537 2454006.67430 +0.191 0.005 537 2454006.67617 +0.163 0.005 537 2454006.67803 +0.138 0.005 537 2454006.67989 +0.108 0.004 537 2454006.68175 +0.083 0.004 537 2454006.68362 +0.068 0.004 537 2454006.68548 +0.040 0.004 537 2454006.68735 +0.017 0.004 537 2454006.68921 +0.007 0.004 537 2454006.69108 -0.006 0.004 537 2454006.69294 -0.024 0.004 537 2454006.69481 -0.052 0.004 537 2454006.69667 -0.055 0.004 537 2454006.69854 -0.059 0.004 537 2454006.70040 -0.067 0.004 537 2454006.70227 -0.079 0.004 537 2454006.70413 -0.089 0.004 537 2454006.70600 -0.110 0.004 537 2454006.70786 -0.112 0.004 537 2454006.70973 -0.121 0.004 537 2454006.71159 -0.130 0.004 537 2454006.71345 -0.133 0.004 537 2454006.71531 -0.140 0.004 537 2454006.71718 -0.146 0.004 537 2454006.71904 -0.153 0.004 537 2454006.72091 -0.157 0.004 537 2454006.72277 -0.165 0.004 537 2454006.72464 -0.177 0.004 537 2454006.72716 -0.176 0.004 537 2454006.72903 -0.181 0.004 537 2454006.73089 -0.187 0.004 537 2454006.73276 -0.191 0.004 537 2454006.73462 -0.189 0.004 537 2454006.73649 -0.198 0.004 537 2454006.73835 -0.195 0.004 537 2454006.74022 -0.209 0.004 537 2454006.74207 -0.203 0.004 537 2454006.74394 -0.202 0.004 537 2454006.74580 -0.210 0.004 537 2454006.74767 -0.194 0.004 537 2454006.74953 -0.190 0.004 537 2454006.75140 -0.187 0.004 537 2454006.75326 -0.169 0.004 537 2454006.75513 -0.173 0.004 537 2454006.75699 -0.174 0.004 537 2454006.75885 -0.173 0.004 537 2454006.76071 -0.157 0.004 537 2454006.76258 -0.154 0.004 537 2454006.76444 -0.150 0.004 537 2454006.76631 -0.137 0.004 537 2454006.76817 -0.128 0.004 537 2454006.77003 -0.119 0.004 537 2454006.77189 -0.116 0.004 537 2454006.77376 -0.118 0.004 537 2454006.78748 -0.021 0.005 537 2454006.79493 +0.037 0.004 537 2454006.79680 +0.054 0.004 537 2454006.79866 +0.072 0.004 537 2454006.80053 +0.099 0.004 537 2454006.80239 +0.122 0.004 537 2454006.80425 +0.146 0.004 537 2454006.80611 +0.171 0.004 537 2454006.80798 +0.195 0.004 537 2454006.80984 +0.234 0.005 537 2454006.81171 +0.242 0.005 537 2454006.81357 +0.273 0.005 537 2454006.81544 +0.289 0.005 537 2454006.81730 +0.285 0.005 537 2454006.81917 +0.314 0.005 537 2454006.82103 +0.316 0.006 537 2454006.82290 +0.307 0.005 537 2454006.82476 +0.326 0.005 537 2454006.82662 +0.316 0.005 537 2454006.82848 +0.299 0.005 537 2454006.83035 +0.334 0.006 537 2454006.83221 +0.312 0.005 537 2454006.83408 +0.348 0.007 537 2454006.83780 +0.305 0.005 537 2454006.84033 +0.285 0.005 537 2454006.84220 +0.295 0.005 537 2454006.84406 +0.291 0.005 537 2454006.84593 +0.260 0.007 537 2454006.84779 +0.237 0.006 537 2454006.84966 +0.202 0.005 537 2454006.85152 +0.208 0.006 537 2454006.85338 +0.179 0.005 537 2454006.85524 +0.143 0.005 537 2454006.85711 +0.117 0.004 537 2454006.85897 +0.102 0.004 537 2454006.86270 +0.035 0.006 537 2454006.86457 +0.046 0.005 537 2454006.86830 +0.020 0.006 537 2454006.87016 -0.017 0.008 537 2454006.88134 -0.083 0.004 537 2454006.88321 -0.096 0.004 537 2454006.88507 -0.114 0.004 537 2454006.88693 -0.114 0.004 537 2454006.88879 -0.120 0.004 537 2454006.89066 -0.137 0.004 537 2454006.89252 -0.171 0.004 537 2454006.89439 -0.144 0.004 537 2454006.89691 -0.161 0.004 537 2454006.89878 -0.168 0.004 537 2454006.90064 -0.169 0.004 537 2454006.90437 -0.178 0.004 537 2454006.90624 -0.183 0.004 537 2454006.90810 -0.189 0.004 537 2454006.90996 -0.174 0.004 537 2454006.91182 -0.189 0.004 537 2454006.91369 -0.183 0.004 537 2454006.91555 -0.186 0.004 537 2454006.91742 -0.195 0.004 537 2454006.91928 -0.199 0.004 537 2454006.92115 -0.189 0.004 537 2454006.92301 -0.192 0.004 537 2454006.92488 -0.188 0.004 537 2454006.92861 -0.177 0.004 537 2454006.93047 -0.169 0.004 537 2454006.93233 -0.179 0.004 537 2454006.93419 -0.180 0.004 537 2454006.93606 -0.164 0.004 537 2454006.93792 -0.158 0.004 537 2454006.93979 -0.156 0.004 537 2454006.94165 -0.138 0.004 537 2454006.94352 -0.124 0.004 537 2454006.94538 -0.133 0.004 537 2454006.94724 -0.133 0.004 537 2454006.94910 -0.103 0.004 537 2454006.95097 -0.101 0.004 537 2454006.95350 -0.088 0.004 537 2454006.95537 -0.080 0.004 537 2454006.95723 -0.082 0.004 537 2454006.95910 -0.066 0.004 537 2454006.96096 -0.053 0.004 537 2454006.96283 -0.047 0.004 537 2454006.96468 -0.020 0.004 537 2454006.96655 -0.018 0.004 537 2454006.96841 -0.009 0.004 537 2454006.97028 +0.017 0.004 537 2454006.97587 +0.071 0.005 537 2454006.97773 +0.086 0.005 537 2454006.97959 +0.117 0.005 537 2454006.98146 +0.136 0.005 537 2454006.98332 +0.150 0.005 537 2454006.98519 +0.197 0.005 537 2454006.98705 +0.202 0.005 537 2454006.98892 +0.235 0.006 537 2454006.99450 +0.298 0.007 537 2454006.99637 +0.298 0.008 537 2454008.61874 +0.327 0.006 538 2454008.62061 +0.311 0.006 538 2454008.62247 +0.312 0.006 538 2454008.62434 +0.300 0.006 538 2454008.62620 +0.326 0.006 538 2454008.62807 +0.313 0.006 538 2454008.62993 +0.298 0.006 538 2454008.63179 +0.288 0.006 538 2454008.63365 +0.268 0.006 538 2454008.63552 +0.254 0.006 538 2454008.63738 +0.225 0.006 538 2454008.63925 +0.215 0.006 538 2454008.64111 +0.188 0.005 538 2454008.64298 +0.146 0.005 538 2454008.64484 +0.117 0.005 538 2454008.64670 +0.106 0.005 538 2454008.64856 +0.099 0.005 538 2454008.65043 +0.052 0.005 538 2454008.65229 +0.056 0.005 538 2454008.65417 +0.034 0.005 538 2454008.65761 +0.008 0.005 538 2454008.65948 -0.022 0.005 538 2454008.66134 -0.040 0.005 538 2454008.66321 -0.046 0.004 538 2454008.66506 -0.054 0.004 538 2454008.66693 -0.056 0.004 538 2454008.66879 -0.060 0.004 538 2454008.67066 -0.091 0.004 538 2454008.67252 -0.098 0.004 538 2454008.67438 -0.098 0.004 538 2454008.67811 -0.124 0.004 538 2454008.67997 -0.125 0.004 538 2454008.68184 -0.134 0.004 538 2454008.68370 -0.138 0.004 538 2454008.68557 -0.162 0.004 538 2454008.68743 -0.150 0.004 538 2454008.68929 -0.146 0.004 538 2454008.69115 -0.151 0.004 538 2454008.69302 -0.165 0.004 538 2454008.69488 -0.170 0.004 538 2454008.69675 -0.178 0.004 538 2454008.69861 -0.175 0.004 538 2454008.70233 -0.176 0.004 538 2454008.70420 -0.185 0.004 538 2454008.70606 -0.178 0.004 538 2454008.70793 -0.172 0.004 538 2454008.70979 -0.171 0.004 538 2454008.71166 -0.170 0.004 538 2454008.71418 -0.164 0.004 538 2454008.71605 -0.165 0.004 538 2454008.71791 -0.160 0.004 538 2454008.71978 -0.162 0.004 538 2454008.72164 -0.158 0.004 538 2454008.72351 -0.152 0.004 538 2454008.72537 -0.147 0.004 538 2454008.72723 -0.145 0.004 538 2454008.72909 -0.136 0.004 538 2454008.73096 -0.124 0.004 538 2454008.73282 -0.121 0.004 538 2454008.73469 -0.120 0.004 538 2454008.73655 -0.108 0.004 538 2454008.73842 -0.091 0.004 538 2454008.74027 -0.084 0.004 538 2454008.74214 -0.073 0.004 538 2454008.74400 -0.064 0.004 538 2454008.74587 -0.061 0.004 538 2454008.74773 -0.038 0.004 538 2454008.74960 -0.027 0.004 538 2454008.75146 -0.032 0.004 538 2454008.75333 -0.012 0.004 538 2454008.75519 -0.005 0.004 538 2454008.75705 +0.000 0.004 538 2454008.75891 +0.022 0.004 538 2454008.76078 +0.048 0.004 538 2454008.76264 +0.056 0.004 538 2454008.76450 +0.080 0.004 538 2454008.76636 +0.088 0.004 538 2454008.76823 +0.121 0.004 538 2454008.77075 +0.141 0.004 538 2454008.77262 +0.177 0.005 538 2454008.77448 +0.194 0.005 538 2454008.77635 +0.227 0.005 538 2454008.77821 +0.263 0.005 538 2454008.78194 +0.299 0.005 538 2454008.78380 +0.309 0.005 538 2454008.78566 +0.308 0.005 538 2454008.78753 +0.305 0.005 538 2454008.78939 +0.308 0.005 538 2454008.79126 +0.314 0.005 538 2454008.79312 +0.290 0.005 538 2454008.79499 +0.319 0.005 538 2454008.79685 +0.312 0.005 538 2454008.79872 +0.306 0.005 538 2454008.80058 +0.307 0.005 538 2454008.80244 +0.313 0.005 538 2454008.80430 +0.318 0.005 538 2454008.80617 +0.308 0.005 538 2454008.80803 +0.311 0.005 538 2454008.80990 +0.319 0.005 538 2454008.81176 +0.297 0.005 538 2454008.81363 +0.290 0.005 538 2454008.81549 +0.261 0.005 538 2454008.81735 +0.247 0.005 538 2454008.81921 +0.215 0.005 538 2454008.82108 +0.193 0.005 538 2454008.82295 +0.159 0.004 538 2454008.82482 +0.141 0.004 538 2454008.82735 +0.111 0.004 538 2454008.82922 +0.091 0.004 538 2454008.83295 +0.029 0.004 538 2454008.83481 +0.022 0.004 538 2454008.83668 -0.008 0.004 538 2454008.83854 -0.005 0.004 538 2454008.84041 -0.029 0.004 538 2454008.84227 -0.043 0.004 538 2454008.84413 -0.051 0.004 538 2454008.84599 -0.072 0.004 538 2454008.84786 -0.075 0.004 538 2454008.84972 -0.096 0.004 538 2454008.85159 -0.097 0.004 538 2454008.85345 -0.107 0.004 538 2454008.85532 -0.111 0.004 538 2454008.85718 -0.121 0.004 538 2454008.85905 -0.130 0.004 538 2454008.86091 -0.127 0.004 538 2454008.86278 -0.147 0.004 538 2454008.86464 -0.151 0.004 538 2454008.86651 -0.166 0.004 538 2454008.86837 -0.165 0.004 538 2454008.87023 -0.167 0.004 538 2454008.87209 -0.177 0.004 538 2454008.87396 -0.193 0.004 538 2454008.87769 -0.198 0.004 538 2454008.87955 -0.194 0.004 538 2454008.88394 -0.196 0.004 538 2454008.88581 -0.189 0.004 538 2454008.88767 -0.192 0.004 538 2454008.88954 -0.186 0.004 538 2454008.89140 -0.186 0.004 538 2454008.89327 -0.188 0.004 538 2454008.89513 -0.198 0.004 538 2454008.89700 -0.181 0.004 538 2454008.89886 -0.178 0.004 538 2454008.90073 -0.190 0.004 538 2454008.90259 -0.176 0.004 538 2454008.90446 -0.178 0.004 538 2454008.90632 -0.172 0.004 538 2454008.90819 -0.170 0.004 538 2454008.91005 -0.148 0.004 538 2454008.91191 -0.145 0.004 538 2454008.91377 -0.142 0.004 538 2454008.91564 -0.124 0.004 538 2454008.91750 -0.111 0.004 538 2454008.91937 -0.105 0.004 538 2454008.92123 -0.102 0.004 538 2454008.92495 -0.077 0.004 538 2454008.92682 -0.054 0.004 538 2454008.92868 -0.065 0.004 538 2454008.93055 -0.047 0.004 538 2454008.93241 -0.021 0.004 538 2454008.93427 -0.013 0.004 538 2454008.93613 +0.009 0.004 538 2454008.93800 +0.006 0.005 538 2454008.94053 +0.029 0.005 538 2454008.94240 +0.053 0.005 538 2454008.94426 +0.076 0.005 538 2454008.94613 +0.085 0.005 538 2454008.94798 +0.124 0.005 538 2454008.94985 +0.163 0.005 538 2454008.95171 +0.143 0.005 538 2454008.95358 +0.201 0.005 538 2454008.95544 +0.215 0.005 538 2454008.95731 +0.241 0.005 538 2454008.95916 +0.274 0.006 538 2454008.96103 +0.305 0.006 538 2454008.96289 +0.315 0.006 538 2454008.96662 +0.300 0.006 538 2454008.96849 +0.334 0.006 538 2454008.97035 +0.332 0.006 538 2454008.97222 +0.310 0.006 538 2454008.97407 +0.324 0.006 538 2454008.98153 +0.298 0.006 538 2454008.98340 +0.292 0.006 538 2454008.98526 +0.298 0.006 538 2454008.98898 +0.278 0.006 538 2454008.99085 +0.272 0.006 538 2454008.99271 +0.278 0.006 538 2454009.62851 -0.141 0.005 540 2454009.63038 -0.125 0.005 540 2454009.63397 -0.104 0.005 540 2454009.63584 -0.088 0.005 540 2454009.63770 -0.093 0.005 540 2454009.63957 -0.064 0.005 540 2454009.64143 -0.083 0.005 540 2454009.64330 -0.048 0.005 540 2454009.64516 -0.030 0.005 540 2454009.64702 -0.025 0.005 540 2454009.64888 -0.020 0.005 540 2454009.65075 +0.013 0.005 540 2454009.65261 +0.002 0.005 540 2454009.65448 +0.045 0.005 540 2454009.65635 +0.061 0.005 540 2454009.65821 +0.062 0.005 540 2454009.66007 +0.084 0.005 540 2454009.66194 +0.108 0.005 540 2454009.66380 +0.132 0.005 540 2454009.66567 +0.159 0.005 540 2454009.66753 +0.181 0.005 540 2454009.66939 +0.174 0.005 540 2454009.67125 +0.220 0.005 540 2454009.67312 +0.257 0.006 540 2454009.67498 +0.293 0.006 540 2454009.67685 +0.295 0.006 540 2454009.67871 +0.305 0.006 540 2454009.68058 +0.313 0.006 540 2454009.68243 +0.334 0.006 540 2454009.68430 +0.351 0.006 540 2454009.68616 +0.338 0.006 540 2454009.68803 +0.331 0.006 540 2454009.69056 +0.335 0.006 540 2454009.69395 +0.322 0.006 540 2454009.69582 +0.315 0.006 540 2454009.69768 +0.316 0.006 540 2454009.69955 +0.339 0.006 540 2454009.70141 +0.328 0.006 540 2454009.70327 +0.286 0.005 540 2454009.70513 +0.298 0.005 540 2454009.70700 +0.278 0.005 540 2454009.70886 +0.284 0.005 540 2454009.71073 +0.238 0.005 540 2454009.71258 +0.215 0.005 540 2454009.71445 +0.197 0.005 540 2454009.71631 +0.182 0.005 540 2454009.71818 +0.139 0.005 540 2454009.72004 +0.124 0.005 540 2454009.72191 +0.105 0.005 540 2454009.72377 +0.073 0.004 540 2454009.72564 +0.062 0.004 540 2454009.72749 +0.043 0.004 540 2454009.72936 +0.031 0.004 540 2454009.73122 +0.000 0.004 540 2454009.73309 -0.004 0.004 540 2454009.73495 -0.016 0.004 540 2454009.73682 -0.037 0.004 540 2454009.73867 -0.051 0.004 540 2454009.74054 -0.042 0.004 540 2454009.74240 -0.074 0.004 540 2454009.74427 -0.078 0.004 540 2454009.74613 -0.087 0.004 540 2454009.74799 -0.093 0.004 540 2454009.75052 -0.136 0.004 540 2454009.75239 -0.120 0.004 540 2454009.75425 -0.136 0.004 540 2454009.75611 -0.139 0.004 540 2454009.75797 -0.151 0.004 540 2454009.75984 -0.154 0.004 540 2454009.76170 -0.157 0.004 540 2454009.76357 -0.167 0.004 540 2454009.76543 -0.159 0.004 540 2454009.76730 -0.161 0.004 540 2454009.76916 -0.170 0.004 540 2454009.77102 -0.158 0.004 540 2454009.77288 -0.170 0.004 540 2454009.77475 -0.167 0.004 540 2454009.77661 -0.166 0.004 540 2454009.77848 -0.177 0.004 540 2454009.78034 -0.175 0.004 540 2454009.78221 -0.178 0.004 540 2454009.78407 -0.170 0.004 540 2454009.78594 -0.177 0.004 540 2454009.78780 -0.172 0.004 540 2454009.78966 -0.173 0.004 540 2454009.79152 -0.172 0.004 540 2454009.79339 -0.165 0.004 540 2454009.79525 -0.160 0.004 540 2454009.79712 -0.151 0.004 540 2454009.79898 -0.145 0.004 540 2454009.80085 -0.131 0.004 540 2454009.80271 -0.125 0.004 540 2454009.80457 -0.118 0.004 540 2454009.80710 -0.115 0.004 540 2454009.80897 -0.107 0.004 540 2454009.81083 -0.105 0.004 540 2454009.81456 -0.077 0.004 540 2454009.81643 -0.081 0.004 540 2454009.81829 -0.073 0.004 540 2454009.82015 -0.056 0.004 540 2454009.82201 -0.053 0.004 540 2454009.82388 -0.032 0.004 540 2454009.82574 -0.028 0.004 540 2454009.82761 -0.019 0.004 540 2454009.82947 +0.001 0.004 540 2454009.83134 +0.016 0.004 540 2454009.83320 +0.030 0.004 540 2454009.83507 +0.047 0.004 540 2454009.83693 +0.061 0.004 540 2454009.84066 +0.102 0.004 540 2454009.84252 +0.130 0.004 540 2454009.84438 +0.168 0.004 540 2454009.84625 +0.182 0.005 540 2454009.84811 +0.204 0.005 540 2454009.84998 +0.228 0.005 540 2454009.85184 +0.274 0.005 540 2454009.85371 +0.269 0.005 540 2454009.85557 +0.290 0.005 540 2454009.85744 +0.327 0.005 540 2454009.85930 +0.328 0.005 540 2454009.86117 +0.326 0.005 540 2454009.86369 +0.331 0.005 540 2454009.86556 +0.307 0.005 540 2454009.86742 +0.336 0.005 540 2454009.86929 +0.320 0.005 540 2454009.87115 +0.320 0.005 540 2454009.87302 +0.303 0.005 540 2454009.87488 +0.322 0.005 540 2454009.87675 +0.307 0.005 540 2454009.87861 +0.305 0.005 540 2454009.88047 +0.314 0.005 540 2454009.88233 +0.336 0.005 540 2454009.88420 +0.303 0.005 540 2454009.88606 +0.315 0.006 540 2454009.88793 +0.283 0.005 540 2454009.88979 +0.258 0.006 540 2454009.89166 +0.244 0.006 540 2454009.89352 +0.194 0.005 540 2454009.89539 +0.178 0.005 540 2454009.89725 +0.162 0.005 540 2454009.89911 +0.144 0.005 540 2454009.90097 +0.099 0.005 540 2454009.90284 +0.076 0.005 540 2454009.90470 +0.062 0.004 540 2454009.90843 +0.036 0.004 540 2454009.91030 +0.001 0.005 540 2454009.91216 -0.006 0.005 540 2454009.91403 -0.024 0.004 540 2454009.91589 -0.044 0.004 540 2454009.91776 -0.058 0.004 540 2454009.92029 -0.059 0.004 540 2454009.92216 -0.074 0.004 540 2454009.92401 -0.082 0.004 540 2454009.92588 -0.094 0.004 540 2454009.92774 -0.100 0.004 540 2454009.92961 -0.106 0.004 540 2454009.93147 -0.126 0.004 540 2454009.93334 -0.121 0.004 540 2454009.93520 -0.134 0.004 540 2454009.93707 -0.154 0.004 540 2454009.93893 -0.146 0.004 540 2454009.94080 -0.143 0.004 540 2454009.94265 -0.147 0.004 540 2454009.94452 -0.164 0.004 540 2454009.94638 -0.164 0.004 540 2454009.94825 -0.174 0.004 540 2454009.95011 -0.171 0.004 540 2454009.95198 -0.177 0.004 540 2454009.95384 -0.176 0.004 540 2454009.95570 -0.193 0.004 540 2454009.95756 -0.180 0.004 540 2454009.95943 -0.194 0.004 540 2454009.96129 -0.198 0.004 540 2454009.96316 -0.185 0.004 540 2454009.96689 -0.186 0.004 540 2454009.96875 -0.178 0.004 540 2454009.97062 -0.171 0.004 540 2454009.97247 -0.173 0.004 540 2454009.97434 -0.173 0.004 540 2454009.97687 -0.172 0.004 540 2454009.97874 -0.155 0.004 540 2454009.98060 -0.166 0.004 540 2454009.98247 -0.160 0.004 540 2454009.98620 -0.136 0.004 540 2454009.98805 -0.111 0.004 540 2454009.98992 -0.129 0.005 540 2454009.99178 -0.115 0.005 540 2454009.99365 -0.106 0.005 540 2454009.99738 -0.089 0.006 540 2454019.60666 -0.182 0.004 547 2454019.60853 -0.184 0.004 547 2454019.61039 -0.184 0.004 547 2454019.61226 -0.180 0.004 547 2454019.61412 -0.184 0.004 547 2454019.61599 -0.187 0.004 547 2454019.61785 -0.174 0.005 547 2454019.61971 -0.170 0.005 547 2454019.62157 -0.176 0.005 547 2454019.62344 -0.201 0.005 547 2454019.62530 -0.184 0.006 547 2454019.63331 -0.159 0.005 547 2454019.63517 -0.151 0.005 547 2454019.63704 -0.156 0.005 547 2454019.63890 -0.162 0.005 547 2454019.64263 -0.133 0.005 547 2454019.64450 -0.110 0.005 547 2454019.64636 -0.118 0.005 547 2454019.64822 -0.109 0.005 547 2454019.65008 -0.128 0.006 547 2454019.65195 -0.108 0.006 547 2454019.65381 -0.096 0.006 547 2454019.65568 -0.071 0.007 547 2454019.65754 -0.058 0.007 547 2454019.65940 -0.078 0.007 547 2454019.66126 -0.048 0.007 547 2454019.66313 -0.001 0.008 547 2454019.66499 -0.006 0.008 547 2454019.66686 +0.016 0.009 547 2454019.66872 +0.007 0.009 547 2454019.67059 +0.051 0.009 547 2454019.67245 +0.067 0.009 547 2454019.67432 +0.090 0.010 547 2454019.67617 +0.071 0.010 547 2454019.67804 +0.120 0.011 547 2454019.67990 +0.135 0.011 547 2454019.68177 +0.158 0.012 547 2454019.68363 +0.199 0.012 547 2454019.68550 +0.139 0.012 547 2454019.68802 +0.276 0.013 547 2454019.68990 +0.292 0.014 547 2454019.69176 +0.286 0.014 547 2454019.69549 +0.343 0.014 547 2454019.69736 +0.305 0.014 547 2454019.69921 +0.363 0.014 547 2454019.70294 +0.355 0.014 547 2454019.70481 +0.317 0.014 547 2454019.70667 +0.328 0.014 547 2454019.70854 +0.281 0.014 547 2454019.71226 +0.334 0.014 547 2454019.71412 +0.328 0.014 547 2454019.71599 +0.327 0.013 547 2454019.71785 +0.323 0.013 547 2454019.72157 +0.323 0.013 547 2454019.72344 +0.245 0.012 547 2454019.72717 +0.218 0.012 547 2454019.72903 +0.188 0.011 547 2454019.73276 +0.130 0.011 547 2454019.73462 +0.118 0.011 547 2454019.73648 +0.100 0.010 547 2454019.73835 +0.107 0.010 547 2454019.74208 +0.038 0.010 547 2454019.74460 +0.030 0.010 547 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DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES ABOVE THIS LINE.