Von: An: Betreff: AAVSO Alert Notice 325 Datum: Mittwoch, 24. August 2005 06:44 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLE STAR OBSERVERS 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA www.aavso.org aavso@aavso.org Tel. 617-354-0484 Fax 617-354-0665 AAVSO ALERT NOTICE 325 (August 23, 2005) SUBJECT: 1955+22C VAR VUL 05 - NEW VARIABLE NEAR M27 Object: 1955+22C VAR VUL 05 Event: New Variable in Vulpecula Discovered Independently By: - Joerg Hanisch, Gescher, Germany - Hans-Goeran Lindberg, Skultuna, Sweden Discovery Magnitude: - 15.8 CCD clear +/-0.4 (C11 at 2699 mm FL, unfiltered SXV-H9 camera at 3x3 binning) - Hanisch - 15.27 C (pix_H5 Compstar 16.6) - Lindberg Discovery Date: - (via Wolfgang Renz, Karlsruhe, Germany) announced August 21 (image taken Aug 17/18 UT ) - Hanisch - announced August 21 (image taken Aug. 18 21:45-21:57 UT) - Lindberg Position: Measured by Hanisch (reported by Renz) R.A. = 19h 59m 51.29s (2000.0) Decl. = +22o 42' 32.3" (2000.0) Spectra: none to date AAVSO Chart(s): 'f' scale chart is available at: http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/searchcharts3.pl?name=var%20vul%2005 Report Object to the AAVSO as: 1955+22C VAR VUL 05 Observations Reported to the AAVSO (via [aavso-photometry] and [baavss-alert] lists): Aug 16.937 UT (prediscovery), 15.6 +/- 0.2 CCD, Nick Quinn, Steyning, W. Sussex, England; 21.916, 16.17 CCDV +/- 0.01 (ensemble of 5 stars in Henden's M27 photometry file),David Boyd, West Challow Observatory, Oxfordshire, England; 21.917, 16.00 CCDI +/- 0.04, Boyd; 21.935, 16.69 CV (60-s unfiltered, USNO A2.0), Diego Rodriguez, Madrid, Spain; 21.939, 16.67 CV (60-s unfiltered, USNO A2.0), Rodriguez; 22.2413 15 CCD w/green filter (star shows marginally; 30s exposure, Rent-A-Scope facility, New Mexico), Arto Oksanen, Jyvaskyla, Finland; 22.998, 16.16 CCDV +/- 0.02 (photometry as before), David Boyd; 22.997, 15.82 CCDIc +/- 0.05 (photometry as before), Boyd. Notes: a. Robert Bateman, Weaverville, CA, reports (via Renz) nothing in area down to magnitude 19 two weeks earlier. b. Renz reports a faint USNO-B1.0 star nearby at (2000) 19:59:51.04 +22:42:35.4, R2 mag 17.31; no very red star at or close to location. c. Arne Henden, AAVSO, reports the nearest star in his photometry files is at: (2000) 19:59:51.15 +22:42:30.6, Vmag 19.378, (B-V) 1.246. He summarizes that the object is blue, has an amplitude of at least 9 magnitudes (according to photometry in his files), and is probably a new WZ Sge object. d. Astrometry (J2000) reported by: David Boyd (USNOB1.0 reference): 19:59:51.283 (+/-0.28) +22:42:32.13 (+/-0.29) Diego Rodriguez (USNOA2.0 reference): 19:59:51.27 Dec +22:42:32.0 Arto Oksanen (USNOA2.0 reference): 19:59:51.36 +22:42:32.0 e. CCD observers are urged to look for superhumps and possible WZ Sge-signature behavior to help confirm nature of this star. Congratulations to Joerg Hanisch and Hans-Goeran Lindberg on their discoveries! SUBMIT OBSERVATIONS TO THE AAVSO Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at: http://www.aavso.org/observing/submit/ If you cannot access this URL, please contact us for submission details. You may also use our charge-free number (888-802-STAR = 888-802-7827) or our fax (617-354-0665) to report your observations. ALERT NOTICE ARCHIVE AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION An Alert Notice archive is available at the following URL: http://www.aavso.org/publications/alerts/ Subscribing and Unsubscribing may be done at the following URL: http://www.aavso.org/publications/email/ Many thanks for your valuable astronomical contributions and your efforts. Good observing! Elizabeth O. Waagen Senior Technical Assistant