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Name |
ZALD J19431413+4647254 |
000-BNY-488 (No observations) |
Constellation |
J2000.0 |
B1950.0 |
19 41 44.41 +46 40 12.0 |
Galactic coord. |
80.055 +11.291 |
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J19431413+4647255 |
BD+46 2763 |
CMC15 J194314.1+464725 |
DO 37660 |
GSC 03557-00607 |
IRAS 19417+4640 |
KIC 9901093 |
KIS J194314.14+464725.4 |
LAMOST DR5 J194314.13+464725.4 |
SAO 48765 |
TIC 271879677 |
TYC 3557-607-1 |
UCAC4 684-070373 |
USNO-A2.0 1350-10958840 |
USNO-B1.0 1367-0346067 |
WISEA J194314.12+464725.5 |
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Variability type |
Spectral type |
M7 |
Mag. range |
9.85 - 10.23 V |
Discoverer |
Alexander N. Zaitsev (ZALD) |
Epoch |
Outburst |
-- |
Period |
30.89 d |
Rise/eclipse dur. |
-- |

Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 |
Luo, A.-L.; Zhao, Y.-H.; Zhao, G.; et al., 2019, LAMOST DR5 catalogs |
2019yCat.5164....0L |
2 |
Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0 |
2017PASP..129j4502K |
3 |
Skiff, B. A., 2014, Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications |
2014yCat....1.2023S |
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Supporting Documents

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2 |
JD Light Curve
Zaitsev, Alexander
2021-04-08 06:11 UTC |
JD Light Curve plot with ASAS-SN data, measurements from g filter shifted to V magnitude (V=g-0.79). |
1 |
Phase plot
Zaitsev, Alexander
2021-04-08 06:11 UTC |
Phase plot with ASAS-SN data, measurements from g filter shifted to V magnitude (V=g-0.79) and prewhitened in Period04. |
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