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  HD 194888  
Vulpecula Sequence
20 27 19.09 +24 42 50.1  (306.82954 +24.71392) Search nearby
B1950.0 20 25 09.89 +24 32 53.6
Proper motion
RA: 22.245 +/- 0.394 mas/yDec: -11.129 +/- 0.395 mas/ySource: Gaia DR1
Galactic coord. 65.996 -7.921
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(Internal only)
2MASS J20271909+2442501 AGASCID 283124448 ASAS J202719+2442.8
BD+24 4134 GSC 02160-01116 PPM 111172
SAO 88695 TIC 436260983 TYC 2160-1116-1
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Variability type
Spectral type F5
Mag. range
8.31 - 8.36 V
Discoverer J. S. Nichols et al. (CHANDRA)
26 Jul 2021 (HJD 2459422.119) Ephemeris
Outburst --
Period 2.52209 d
Rise/eclipse dur. 5.3%  (3.2 h)
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto Min I amplitude 0.044 TESS. Min II amplitude 0.043 TESS. ASAS-3 (2003-2009) and TESS data can only be matched with P= 2.52207 d. Rotational variability with P= 2.539 d. and amplitude 0.01 TESS.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Ricker, G. R.; et al., 2014, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) 2014SPIE.9143E..20R
2 J.S. Nichols et al., 2010, ApJS 188, 473 2010ApJS..188..473N
3 J.S. Nichols et al., 2010, ApJS 188, 473 (online data) 2010ApJS..188..473N
4 Pojmanski, G., 2002, The All Sky Automated Survey 2002AcA....52..397P
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Catalog Data
Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
2MASS J = 7.48H = 7.30K = 7.26J - K = 0.23
AllWISE W1 = 7.16W2 = 7.25W3 = 7.24W4 = 7.00W1 - W2 = -0.09W3 - W4 = 0.24
Please review Digitized Sky Survey Acknowledgment and Copyright.
Size 5' x 5' (297 x 298 pixels)
Center 20 27 19.09 +24 42 50.1 (J2000)
Source STScI

Red, all sky, 1.0 arcsec/pixel
Supporting Documents
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1 Phase plot Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2024-04-30 05:21 UTC Phase plot with TESS-SPOC data.
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Revision History
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2 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2024-04-30 05:21 UTC Type, period, epoch, eclipse duration and amplitude from TESS data. Range from ASAS-3 data. Gaia DR3 position.
1 Admin, VSX 2010-10-26 00:13 UTC Preserved original object data.