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  IRAS 18294-1248  
000-BMZ-441 (No observations)  
Scutum Sequence
18 32 15.69 -12 46 19.5  (278.06540 -12.77209) Search nearby
B1950.0 18 29 26.94 -12 48 34.1
Galactic coord. 19.399 -1.620
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J18321570-1246194 MGAB-V216 OGLE-BLG-LPV-264795
OGLE-IV BLG582.15.36730 USNO-A2.0 0750-13463114 USNO-B1.0 0772-0568305
WISE J183215.69-124619.2    
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Variability type
Spectral type M5
Mag. range
14.2 - 18.2 g
Discoverer Gabriel Murawski
Outburst --
Period 606.6 d
Rise/eclipse dur. --
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Murawski, Gabriel Target shows stable minimum and several brightenings based on PANSTARRS data. Rapid high magnitude variations are present, eg. measurements at HJD= 2455367.4 (r band) and HJD= 2455368.4 (i band) show brightening by 1.2 mag. J-K= 3.95
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Iwanek, P.; et al., 2022, The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars: Nearly
66,000 Mira Stars in the Milky Way
2 Chambers, K. C.; et al., 2016,The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys 2016arXiv161205560C
3 Tisserand, P., 2012, Tracking down R Coronae Borealis stars from their
mid-infrared WISE colours
4 Kwok, S.; et al., 1997, Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources
with Low-Resolution Spectra
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Please review Digitized Sky Survey Acknowledgment and Copyright.
Size 5' x 5' (297 x 298 pixels)
Center 18 32 15.69 -12 46 19.5 (J2000)
Source STScI

Red, all sky, 1.0 arcsec/pixel
Supporting Documents
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2 Images (PANSTARRS) Murawski, Gabriel 2019-02-15 15:24 UTC PANSTARRS plates in z and y bands showing high variability of the star. Target is in the center of images.
1 JD plot (PANSTARRS) Murawski, Gabriel 2019-02-15 15:12 UTC JD light curve with PANSTARRS data (original magnitudes and values shifted to g standard)
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Revision History
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2 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2023-02-21 22:13 UTC Type and period from 2022ApJS..260...46I. Gaia DR3 position.
1 Murawski, Gabriel 2019-02-15 18:32 UTC Gaia DR2 position. Spectral type from 1997ApJS..112..557K