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Name |
V0417 Cen |
Constellation |
J2000.0 |
B1950.0 |
14 12 17.29 -61 39 54.6 |
Proper motion |
RA: -17.1 +/- 6.5 mas/y | Dec: -6.3 +/- 6.5 mas/y | Source: UCAC4 |
Galactic coord. |
312.713 -0.642 |
Other names

(Internal only)
Please note that aliases shown in grey link to obsolete records.
2MASS J14155968-6153502 |
AAVSO 1408-61 |
ASAS J141559-6153.8 |
ASAS J141600-6153.9 |
ASASSN-V J141559.65-615350.1 |
GDS_J1415586-615334 |
GDS_J1415596-615350 |
GSC 09009-00216 |
HV 6516 |
Hen 3-977 |
IOMC 9009000083 |
IRAS 14122-6139 |
UCAC4 141-133757 |
Wray 15-1189 |
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Variability type |
Spectral type |
G8/K2e |
Mag. range |
10.8 - 12.9 V |
Discoverer |
-- |
Epoch |
Outburst |
-- |
Period |
1670 d (4.57 y) |
Rise/eclipse dur. |
-- |

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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 |
Henden, A. A.; et al., 2018, AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR10 |
2018AAS...23222306H |
2 |
Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0 |
2017PASP..129j4502K |
3 |
M. Hackstein, Ch. Fein, M. Haas et al., 2015, AN 336, 590 |
2015AN....336..590H |
4 |
M. Gromadzki, J. Mikolajewska, I. Soszynski, 2013, arXiv:1312.6063 [astro-ph.SR] |
2013arXiv1312.6063G |
5 |
Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2009-2016) |
2013A&A...551A..77T |
6 |
P. Tisserand, G.C. Clayton, D.L. Welch, B. Pilecki, L. Wyrzykowski, D. Kilkenny, 2012, arXiv:1211.2475 [astro-ph.SR] |
2012arXiv1211.2475T |
7 |
J. Alfonso-Garzon, A. Domingo, J.M. Mas-Hesse, A. Gimenez, 2012, arXiv:1210.0821 [astro-ph.IM] (online info) |
2012arXiv1210.0821A |
8 |
G.Pojmanski, Acta Astronomica 52, 397, 2002. |
2002AcA....52..397P |
9 |
D. Cieslinski, J.E. Steiner, F.J. Jablonski, 1998, A&AS 131, 119 |
1998A&AS..131..119C |
10 |
Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2005) |
1994A&A...285..241V |
11 |
V.P.Zessewitsch, M.S.Kazanasmas, Atlas of Finding Charts for Variable Stars, M., 1971. |
1971afcv.book.....T |
12 |
H.Shapley, H.H.Swope, HA 90, N5, 1934. |
1940AnHar..90..177S |
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Catalog Data

Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
J = 8.07 | H = 6.98 | K = 5.79 | J - K = 2.28 |
W1 = 4.05 | W2 = 2.88 | W3 = 0.96 | W4 = -0.24 | W1 - W2 = 1.17 | W3 - W4 = 1.20 |
B = 13.23 | V = 11.57 | g' = 12.38 | r' = 10.95 | i' = 10.26 | B - V = 1.66 |

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