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  V1363 Cyg  
000-BCK-550 (15010 observations)  
Cygnus Sequence
20 06 11.53 +33 42 37.7  (301.54804 +33.71047) Search nearby
B1950.0 20 04 15.80 +33 33 57.0
Proper motion
RA: -3.8 +/- 9.5 mas/yDec: -1.6 +/- 8.7 mas/ySource: UCAC4
Galactic coord. 70.924 +0.908
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1SWXRT J200611.3+334225 1SXPS J200611.4+334228 1WGA J2006.2+3342
2MASS J20061152+3342376 2RXP J200613.6+334220 AAVSO 2002+33
ASASSN-V J200611.52+334237.6 CMC15 J200611.5+334237 Downes V1363 Cyg
GALEX J200611.5+334237 GR 238 GSC2.3 N33B149346
IPHAS J200611.53+334237.6 IPHAS J200611.53+334237.7 PSO J200611.527+334237.621
SDSS J200611.52+334237.6 UCAC2 43679289 UCAC4 619-096398
UGPS J200611.52+334237.6 URAT1 619-444022 USNO-A2.0 1200-14445464
USNO-B1.0 1237-0429857 VV 279 WISE J200611.51+334237.5
WISEA J200611.51+334237.4 XPM 247-0646270 ZTF J200611.51+334237.6
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Variability type
Spectral type cv
Mag. range
13.1 - 18.0 V
Discoverer Walter John Miller
Outburst --
Period 0.101: d  (2.4 h)
Rise/eclipse dur. --
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto Orbital period likely in the 20─40 h. range. Centered on a nebula with about 2 arcmin diameter, ascribed to the ejecta of a nova outburst (2022PASJ...74..569S).
2 Schmeer, Patrick Outburst maxima were observed on 2016 June 7 (Vmag. 15.5) and 2018 March 29 (Vmag. 14.3) by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol. Gaia DR2 parallax 0.5649 ± 0.0458 mas (distance 1.77 ± 0.15 kpc).
3 Otero, Sebastian Alberto Unusual behavior, but no standstills. Worthy of further observations due to its unique properties. QPOs and short term irregular variations were observed during the 2011 outburst. A single run by E. De Miguel showed a modulation with P= 0.101(6) d. (vsnet-alert #13294) but that period wasn't found in other runs by other observers.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Šimon, V., 2022, Activity of the post-nova V1363 Cygni on long timescales 2022PASJ...74..569S
2 ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars (online data) 2020arXiv200508662C
3 Chen, X.; et al., 2020, The Zwicky Transient Facility Catalog of Periodic
Variable Stars
4 E. de Miguel; T. Kato, 2018, vsnet-alert #13294 --
5 Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae
(ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0
6 R.A. Downes et al., 2001, PASP 113, 764 (2006 archival version) 2005JAD....11....2D
7 R.A. Downes et al., 2001, PASP 113, 764 2001PASP..113..764D
8 Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2009-2016) 1992A&AS...93..419B
9 W.J.Miller, Ric Astr 8, N10, 1971. 1971RA......8..167M
10 Simonsen, M. et al., The Z Cam List --
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Catalog Data
Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
2MASS J = 14.26H = 13.70K = 13.40J - K = 0.86
AllWISE W1 = 13.28W2 = 13.23W1 - W2 = 0.06
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 Z CamPaign
 BAA VSS Recurrent Objects Programme
Revision History
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8 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2023-10-10 14:14 UTC Maximum magnitude and type from 2022PASJ...74..569S.
7 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2021-10-26 10:20 UTC ZTF name from 2020arXiv200508662C added. Gaia EDR3 position.
6 Schmeer, Patrick 2018-05-20 22:34 UTC Gaia DR2 position. Orbital period from vsnet-alert 13294. Discoverer added from 1971RA......8..167M.
5 Admin, VSX 2017-12-15 14:07 UTC Spectral type from Skiff (VizieR on-line data: B/mk)
4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-04-09 23:10 UTC Reference added.
3 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-04-09 23:09 UTC Type and range from AAVSO data. UCAC3 position.
2 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.