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Name |
V2239 Cyg |
Constellation |
J2000.0 |
B1950.0 |
20 13 26.49 +37 22 29.0 |
Proper motion |
RA: -1.455 +/- 0.940 mas/y | Dec: 7.682 +/- 0.737 mas/y | Source: Gaia DR1 |
Galactic coord. |
75.133 +1.447 |
Other names

(Internal only)
ASASSN-V J201517.64+373142.7 |
CzeV5 |
UCAC4 638-091516 |
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Variability type |
EA |
Spectral type |
-- |
Mag. range |
11.73 - 12.51 * |
Discoverer |
-- |
Epoch |
Outburst |
-- |
Period |
0.61047966 d (14.651512 h) |
Rise/eclipse dur. |
-- |

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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 |
Skarka, M.; Mašek, M.; Brát, L.; et al., 2017, CzeV - The Czech Variable Star Catalogue |
2017OEJV..185....1S |
2 |
CzeV - The Czech Variable Star Catalogue, 2017, online data |
-- |
3 |
Bob Nelson's O-C files, 2016 |
-- |
4 |
J.M. Kreiner, 2004, Acta Astronomica 54, 207 |
2004AcA....54..207K |
5 |
J. Safar, IBVS N4819, 1999. |
1999IBVS.4819....1S |
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Catalog Data

Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
H = 10.54 | K = 10.53 |
W1 = 10.38 | W2 = 10.41 | W3 = 10.71 | W1 - W2 = -0.04 |
B = 12.48 | V = 11.95 | g' = 12.15 | r' = 11.83 | i' = 11.69 | B - V = 0.53 |

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Supporting Documents

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Stellar Association Membership

ASCC 111 |
Open Cluster |
2012A&A...548A..97Z |
Revision History

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