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Name |
KELT KC18C016299 |
Constellation |
J2000.0 |
B1950.0 |
04 22 27.61 +52 44 12.6 |
Galactic coord. |
152.102 +2.607 |
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J04262181+5250586 |
AllWISE J042621.84+525057.5 |
GSC2.2 N31221021941 |
GSC2.3 NAS2001941 |
TIC 470479503 |
UCAC4 715-032402 |
USNO-A2.0 1425-05198696 |
USNO-B1.0 1428-0149202 |
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Variability type |
EA |
Spectral type |
-- |
Mag. range |
15.03 - 15.67 r |
Discoverer |
Epoch |
Outburst |
-- |
Period |
1.217478 d |
Rise/eclipse dur. |
15% (4.38 h) |

Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 |
Masci, F. J.; et al., 2019, The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive |
2019PASP..131a8003M |
2 |
Tonry, J. L.; Denneau, L.; Heinze, A. N.; et al., 2018, ATLAS: A High-cadence All-sky Survey System |
2018PASP..130f4505T |
3 |
Collins, K. A.; Collins, K. I.; Pepper, J.; et al., 2018, The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS |
2018AJ....156..234C |
4 |
Ricker, G. R.; et al., 2014, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) |
2014SPIE.9143E..20R |
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Supporting Documents

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1 |
Phase Plot for KELT KC18C016299.
Burnysheva, Anastasiya
2021-05-11 10:05 UTC |
Phase plot showing ATLAS c, ZTF g and r, TESS normalized SAP flux. The offset was applied to the g-band (g-0.98) and c-band (c-0.75). TESS data refer to 04:26:19.75 +52:50:58.7 and contaminated by GSC2.2 N3122102422. |
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Revision History

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2 |
Burnysheva, Anastasiya
2021-05-06 17:32 UTC |
Period, epoch and eclipse duration from ZTF, ATLAS and TESS data. Range from ZTF data. Gaia EDR3 position. |
1 |
Admin, VSX
2020-10-08 00:15 UTC |
Preserved original object data. |