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  KID 09777062  
Cygnus Sequence
19 37 50.58 +46 35 23.0  (294.46075 +46.58972) Search nearby
B1950.0 19 36 21.14 +46 28 31.4
Proper motion
RA: -6.171 +/- 1.859 mas/yDec: -9.590 +/- 1.588 mas/ySource: Gaia DR1
Galactic coord. 79.439 +12.020
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J19375058+4635229 ATO J294.4607+46.5897 GSC 03556-00370
KIC 09777062 KIC 9777062 KOI-7229
LAMOST J193750.58+463522.9 NGC 6811 SAN 195 TIC 271040947
TYC 3556-370-1    
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Variability type
Spectral type A7Vm+F0V
Mag. range
12.22 V (0.34)Kp
Discoverer --
14 May 2009 (HJD 2454965.5807) Ephemeris
Outburst --
Period 19.230039 d
Rise/eclipse dur. --
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2009-2016) arXiv:1608.03917
2 Eker, Z.; Soydugan, F.; Bilir, S.; et al., 2020, Empirical bolometric
correction coefficients for nearby main-sequence stars in the Gaia era
3 Graczyk, D.; Pietrzyński, G.; Gieren, W.; et al., 2019, Testing
Systematics of Gaia DR2 Parallaxes with Empirical Surface Brightness: Color
Relations Applied to Eclipsing Binaries
4 Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae
(ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0
5 R.W. Slawson et al., 2011, arXiv:1103.1659v1 [astro-ph.SR] 2011arXiv1103.1659S
6 R.W. Slawson et al., 2011, arXiv:1103.1659v1 [astro-ph.SR] (Light curve) 2011arXiv1103.1659S
7 A. Prsa et al., 2010, arXiv:1006.2815v1 [astro-ph.SR] 2010arXiv1006.2815P
8 A. Prsa et al., 2010, arXiv:1006.2815v1 [astro-ph.SR] (Light curve) 2010arXiv1006.2815P
9 Kepler data (MAST) --
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Catalog Data
Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
2MASS J = 11.55H = 11.45K = 11.39J - K = 0.16
AllWISE W1 = 11.37W2 = 11.38W3 = 11.21W1 - W2 = -0.01
APASS-DR9 B = 12.65V = 12.23g' = 12.41r' = 12.18i' = 12.20B - V = 0.42
Please review Digitized Sky Survey Acknowledgment and Copyright.
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Supporting Documents
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Stellar Association Membership
 NGC 6811 Open Cluster 2012A&A...548A..97Z
Revision History
Currently approved revision is checked. Click revision number to view details of that revision.
4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2024-03-25 15:23 UTC Period and spectral type from 2020MNRAS.496.3887E and 2019ApJ...872...85G. Maximum magnitude from ASAS-SN data. Amplitude from 2011arXiv1103.1659S.
3 Admin, VSX 2017-12-15 13:57 UTC Spectral type from Skiff (VizieR on-line data: B/mk)
2 Admin, VSX 2011-03-13 04:40 UTC Update from [2011arXiv1103.1659S].
1 Admin, VSX 2010-06-19 01:56 UTC Initial upload.