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within 5' of 13 16 54.36 -62 25 59.6
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Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

0.00 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485983750735232 -- 13 16 54.35 -62 25 59.6 Cen L -- 18.14 - 18.46 G
0.42 Variable Gaia DR3 5862486013790120448 -- 13 16 57.53 -62 25 46.8 Cen L -- 18.79 - 18.95 G
1.05 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485915031236608 -- 13 16 59.46 -62 26 51.8 Cen RS -- 14.53 - 14.58 G
1.19 Variable ASAS J131645-6225.7 -- 13 16 44.44 -62 25 40.1 Cen DCEP-FU|EC 12.636153 11.61 (0.21) V
1.33 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489007407737344 -- 13 16 52.57 -62 24 40.8 Cen ROT -- 14.63 - 14.66 G
1.42 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485880671483520 -- 13 16 48.28 -62 27 13.7 Cen ROT -- 14.92 - 14.96 G
1.93 Variable ASASSN-V J131710.60-622626.5 -- 13 17 10.60 -62 26 26.5 Cen SR 507 12.21 - 12.31 V
1.96 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488796928906240 -- 13 16 39.13 -62 26 51.4 Cen L -- 19.57 - 19.84 G
2.00 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485670183730688 -- 13 17 02.40 -62 27 45.8 Cen RS -- 17.59 - 17.77 G
2.06 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485635825839744 -- 13 17 00.25 -62 27 56.1 Cen L -- 16.90 - 17.07 G
2.18 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488869968756992 -- 13 16 35.51 -62 25 53.7 Cen L -- 18.39 - 18.60 G
2.23 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489106166552064 -- 13 16 40.09 -62 24 29.6 Cen E 0.312851 18.80 - 19.09 G
2.27 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488869968737408 -- 13 16 35.61 -62 26 39.5 Cen L -- 15.06 - 15.18 G
2.52 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488869941711104 -- 13 16 33.28 -62 26 38.5 Cen S -- 18.22 - 19.05 G
2.53 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485605793542528 -- 13 16 49.06 -62 28 26.8 Cen S -- 16.88 - 17.97 G
2.53 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485605793544448 -- 13 16 46.70 -62 28 21.7 Cen L -- 17.80 - 18.30 G
2.66 Variable Gaia DR3 5868493783973611648 -- 13 17 08.63 -62 23 54.4 Cen E 0.463056 19.65 - 20.18 G
2.70 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485605793537280 -- 13 16 52.04 -62 28 40.6 Cen RS -- 15.13 - 15.20 G
2.81 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490794707666304 -- 13 17 15.47 -62 24 36.3 Cen E 2.76361 17.05 - 17.30 G
2.88 Variable GDS_J1317003-622311 -- 13 17 00.36 -62 23 11.7 Cen VAR -- 12.51 (0.40) r
2.92 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485532744689280 -- 13 16 51.59 -62 28 53.5 Cen E 0.51014 17.03 - 17.37 G
3.05 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485464034279040 -- 13 16 33.61 -62 27 52.8 Cen L -- 19.10 - 20.38 G
3.10 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489900760943104 -- 13 16 33.90 -62 23 59.2 Cen S -- 16.22 - 17.17 G
3.13 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489935120686208 -- 13 16 34.45 -62 23 52.5 Cen RS -- 17.33 - 17.45 G
Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period Mag. range

3.19 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489759587352448 -- 13 17 19.73 -62 27 14.3 Cen RS -- 18.19 - 18.41 G
3.39 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490859102139264 -- 13 17 17.73 -62 23 56.8 Cen L -- 18.71 - 18.88 G
3.45 Variable GDS_J1316441-622245 -- 13 16 44.16 -62 22 45.0 Cen VAR -- 12.06 (0.35) r
3.47 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489316618635264 -- 13 16 53.83 -62 22 31.6 Cen E 0.379987 19.23 - 19.60 G
3.48 Variable Gaia DR3 5862484849879284992 -- 13 17 09.26 -62 29 00.9 Cen L -- 12.98 - 13.18 G
3.74 Variable Gaia DR3 5862485464025191296 -- 13 16 32.74 -62 28 46.3 Cen S -- 18.00 - 18.66 G
3.79 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490893461629440 -- 13 17 22.77 -62 24 06.8 Cen L -- 18.54 - 18.80 G
3.85 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490966506390016 -- 13 17 18.69 -62 23 22.2 Cen E 0.56932 18.12 - 18.35 G
3.86 Variable Gaia DR3 5868493887084169856 -- 13 17 12.26 -62 22 44.4 Cen L -- 16.13 - 16.26 G
3.89 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488388905225600 -- 13 16 24.84 -62 27 52.1 Cen E 0.88794 17.94 - 18.22 G
4.05 Variable Gaia DR3 5862489969486490752 -- 13 16 28.36 -62 23 17.0 Cen L -- 19.36 - 20.89 G
4.05 Variable Gaia DR3 5868493887084175232 -- 13 17 12.64 -62 22 32.3 Cen L -- 15.61 - 15.79 G
4.05 Variable GDS_J1316193-622549 -- 13 16 19.34 -62 25 49.8 Cen VAR -- 15.09 (0.62) r
4.21 Variable ASASSN-V J131620.01-622435.4 -- 13 16 20.02 -62 24 35.4 Cen SR 72.87 15.82 (0.38) g
4.25 Variable GDS_J1316427-623001 -- 13 16 42.75 -62 30 01.4 Cen VAR -- 14.91 (0.54) r
4.25 Variable Gaia DR3 5868494093245570688 -- 13 17 05.76 -62 21 57.1 Cen S -- 17.62 - 18.48 G
4.40 Variable Gaia DR3 5862490171309870464 -- 13 16 23.67 -62 23 24.1 Cen L -- 15.93 - 16.12 G
4.47 Variable Gaia DR3 5862488457652027392 -- 13 16 19.61 -62 27 57.2 Cen ROT -- 16.95 - 17.02 G
4.47 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489454677808768 -- 13 17 17.77 -62 29 33.2 Cen ROT -- 17.28 - 17.36 G
4.47 Variable Gaia DR3 5862490308764018560 -- 13 16 38.35 -62 21 55.3 Cen L -- 16.95 - 17.09 G
4.54 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489450352613120 -- 13 17 18.79 -62 29 32.8 Cen L -- 18.32 - 18.83 G
4.55 Variable Gaia DR3 5868494093242630656 -- 13 17 08.05 -62 21 43.4 Cen S -- 18.25 - 18.54 G
4.56 Variable Gaia DR3 5862484609361070208 -- 13 17 02.09 -62 30 27.6 Cen E 0.94232 16.02 - 16.47 G
4.66 Variable Gaia DR3 5862484609333743232 -- 13 17 05.97 -62 30 27.0 Cen E 0.418785 18.75 - 19.14 G
4.69 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490932115403776 -- 13 17 28.02 -62 23 23.1 Cen E 0.323911 18.89 - 19.09 G
Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period Mag. range

4.74 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490725956899328 -- 13 17 31.69 -62 24 02.5 Cen L -- 18.55 - 18.68 G
4.74 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489798275207680 -- 13 17 34.10 -62 27 09.7 Cen E 0.485378 16.20 - 16.58 G
4.76 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489415988562304 -- 13 17 24.91 -62 29 10.8 Cen RS -- 17.87 - 18.04 G
4.79 Variable Gaia DR3 5868489592116768896 -- 13 17 31.27 -62 28 10.0 Cen E 1.8088 17.90 - 18.01 G
4.81 Variable GDS_J1317218-622218 -- 13 17 21.08 -62 22 18.7 Cen VAR -- 13.59 (0.28) r
4.93 Variable Gaia DR3 5862484609361059200 -- 13 17 02.94 -62 30 49.7 Cen ROT -- 14.43 - 14.48 G
4.96 Variable OGLE-GD-LPV-003809 -- 13 16 59.33 -62 21 04.2 Cen M 471.4 16.691 (3.253) Ic
5.00 Variable Gaia DR3 5868490657268706560 -- 13 17 36.65 -62 24 59.3 Cen ROT -- 15.90 - 15.93 G
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