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within 5' of 13 53 28.54 -66 21 57.1
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Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

0.00 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114868857612544 -- 13 53 28.54 -66 21 57.1 Cir E 0.249888 17.63 - 17.89 G
0.49 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114800169350656 -- 13 53 25.33 -66 22 19.5 Cir RS -- 16.20 - 16.33 G
0.85 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114834529086720 -- 13 53 20.56 -66 22 14.7 Cir S -- 16.61 - 17.29 G
1.11 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114800169343872 -- 13 53 27.74 -66 23 03.6 Cir E 0.319417 15.98 - 16.31 G
1.38 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116071446563968 -- 13 53 42.29 -66 21 56.0 Cir E 0.217637 17.95 - 18.42 G
1.61 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116105808252800 -- 13 53 44.51 -66 22 07.8 Cir E 0.279018 19.81 - 20.50 G
1.66 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865560460095104 -- 13 53 22.80 -66 20 23.7 Cir ROT -- 16.29 - 16.34 G
1.72 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116342000384512 -- 13 53 34.68 -66 20 20.6 Cir ROT -- 18.44 - 18.56 G
1.90 Variable Gaia DR3 5851866969209375744 -- 13 53 32.72 -66 20 05.6 Cir E 0.288816 19.11 - 20.08 G
1.97 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114559656920320 -- 13 53 24.40 -66 23 52.8 Cir S -- 17.81 - 18.66 G
2.10 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114731449857152 -- 13 53 09.68 -66 22 51.9 Cir E 0.88335 17.19 - 17.35 G
2.12 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116002759833600 -- 13 53 47.27 -66 22 56.3 Cir SR|M 83.13 14.77 - 15.12 G
2.37 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116204556341760 -- 13 53 52.07 -66 21 40.3 Cir E 0.60456 15.79 - 16.03 G
2.53 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865349932541696 -- 13 53 03.66 -66 22 23.4 Cir L -- 14.79 - 14.97 G
2.60 Variable Gaia DR3 5851866999204084480 -- 13 53 37.14 -66 19 30.2 Cir E 1.33711 16.82 - 16.99 G
2.79 Variable Gaia DR3 5851867003568849152 -- 13 53 38.22 -66 19 20.1 Cir ROT -- 16.19 - 16.25 G
2.93 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865800903170304 -- 13 53 07.17 -66 19 56.8 Cir RRC 0.266288 19.66 - 20.51 G
2.95 Variable Gaia DR3 5851113735017432320 -- 13 53 29.87 -66 24 54.0 Cir ZAND 39.89 14.59 - 15.03 G
3.02 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865319941905024 -- 13 52 59.72 -66 22 50.4 Cir E 0.421595 16.30 - 16.48 G
3.16 Variable Gaia21bxu 000-BNY-607 13 53 52.89 -66 19 57.1 Cir UG -- 16.7 - 19.9 G
3.23 Variable ASASSN-V J135351.61-661942.2 -- 13 53 51.61 -66 19 42.2 Cir SR 76.98 15.67 (0.76) g
3.27 Variable Gaia DR3 5851115178093117696 -- 13 53 50.31 -66 24 23.6 Cir E 0.58607 18.93 - 19.44 G
3.28 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114456540414720 -- 13 53 16.23 -66 24 59.6 Cir E 4.15004 17.81 - 18.06 G
3.29 Variable OGLE-GD-LPV-004866 -- 13 53 05.16 -66 24 15.4 Cir M 279.7 11.296 (2.148) Ic
Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period Mag. range

3.29 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865315572798592 -- 13 52 58.74 -66 23 20.3 Cir SR|M 149.1 12.62 - 13.40 G
3.46 Variable ASASSN-V J135304.27-662424.6 -- 13 53 04.27 -66 24 24.6 Cir SR 103 13.84 - 14.60 V
3.47 Variable Gaia DR3 5851115212485817600 -- 13 53 55.29 -66 24 09.3 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 13.65 - 13.68 G
3.61 Variable Gaia DR3 5851867312806765568 -- 13 53 19.38 -66 18 27.7 Cir SR|M 258.9 12.35 - 13.01 G
3.76 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865590450792704 -- 13 52 51.33 -66 21 30.5 Cir ROT -- 17.24 - 17.30 G
3.79 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114417849634176 -- 13 53 10.94 -66 25 18.3 Cir ROT -- 16.93 - 16.98 G
3.82 Variable Gaia DR3 5851115001989378432 -- 13 53 58.91 -66 24 15.4 Cir E 0.430748 18.30 - 18.74 G
3.83 Variable Gaia DR3 5851114417849631232 -- 13 53 11.56 -66 25 22.8 Cir ROT -- 16.30 - 16.35 G
3.94 Variable Gaia DR3 5851113494498860544 -- 13 53 44.02 -66 25 34.2 Cir S -- 17.02 - 17.62 G
4.13 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865663465399680 -- 13 52 49.18 -66 20 43.4 Cir E 0.293023 19.84 - 20.34 G
4.39 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865285509061632 -- 13 52 45.39 -66 21 14.0 Cir L -- 18.18 - 18.32 G
4.41 Variable Gaia DR3 5851868068721179904 -- 13 53 15.90 -66 17 43.4 Cir ROT -- 16.43 - 16.47 G
4.42 Variable Gaia DR3 5851865285509059328 -- 13 52 45.30 -66 21 04.7 Cir S -- 18.31 - 18.55 G
4.52 Variable Gaia DR3 5851866522458757376 -- 13 52 56.24 -66 18 47.9 Cir E 2.20511 19.32 - 20.37 G
4.66 Variable Gaia DR3 5851116548153853824 -- 13 54 10.60 -66 19 58.6 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 14.85 - 14.88 G
4.72 Variable Gaia DR3 5851113455776861952 -- 13 53 39.72 -66 26 32.0 Cir ROT -- 16.72 - 16.77 G
4.93 Variable Gaia DR3 5851113528858964736 -- 13 53 22.99 -66 26 50.7 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 14.61 - 14.64 G
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