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  V0640 Cas  
000-BBB-160 (45 observations)  
Cassiopeia Sequence
00 06 15.81 +58 26 12.2  (1.56587 +58.43672) Search nearby
B1950.0 00 03 38.17 +58 09 29.4
Proper motion
RA: 247.24 mas/yDec: 15.68 mas/ySource: F. Van Leeuwen, 2007
Galactic coord. 117.034 -3.917
Other names

(Internal only)
1RXS J000615.1+582610 ADS 61 BD+57 2865
G 243-13 GJ 4.1 AB HD 123
HIP 518 HR 5 SAO 21085
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Variability type
Spectral type G4V+K0V+M2V
Mag. range
5.966 - 5.981 V
Discoverer --
04 Jan 1992 (HJD 2448626.00) Ephemeris
Outburst --
Period 47.76 d
Rise/eclipse dur. --
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto No variability above a level of 0.02 mag with periods in interval 1.02-1.1 days (2009AJ....138..664Z) as reported in IBVS 2389. HIPPARCOS data show a small amplitude single wave modulation with a period consistent with the spectroscopic period published in 2001A&A...374..227T (47.51 d.) and 1999Obs...119...27G (47.685 d.). Visual binary. The variable is the inner fainter BaBb component (V= 7.28) orbiting the G3V primary (V= 6.36) 1.5" away with P= 106.7 years (1999A&A...341..121S). Combined range given.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 P. Zasche et al., 2009, AJ 138, 664 2009AJ....138..664Z
2 Tokovinin, A. A.; Gorynya, N. A., 2001, New spectroscopic components in
multiple systems. IV.
3 Griffin, R. F., 1999, Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial
velocities. Paper 144: HR 5 B
4 Söderhjelm, S., 1999, Visual binary orbits and masses POST HIPPARCOS 1999A&A...341..121S
5 Perryman, M. A. C.; et al., 1997, The HIPPARCOS and TYCHO catalogues 1997HIP...C......0E
6 O.H.Brettman, R.E.Fried, W.M.DuVall, D.S.Hall, C.H.Poe, J.Scott Shaw, IBVS
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2MASS J = 4.87H = 4.42K = 4.33J - K = 0.54
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1 Phase plot Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2015-11-05 04:21 UTC Phase plot with HIPPARCOS data.
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Stellar Association Membership
 Alessi 20 Open Cluster 2012A&A...548A..97Z
Revision History
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4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2015-11-05 04:21 UTC Type, period, epoch and range from HIPPARCOS data. Spectral type from 2006ApJ...652..681D.
3 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
2 Admin, VSX 2009-07-31 01:30 UTC Update from [2009AJ....138..664Z].
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.