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within 5' of 13 53 47.79 -65 43 49.7
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Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

0.00 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946546328178944 -- 13 53 47.79 -65 43 49.7 Cir S -- 18.40 - 19.21 G
1.17 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946610715891328 -- 13 53 42.41 -65 42 48.1 Cir ROT -- 16.30 - 16.35 G
1.19 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946649451214464 -- 13 53 47.83 -65 42 38.3 Cir ROT -- 15.73 - 15.77 G
1.53 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946958645158528 -- 13 53 58.05 -65 42 43.0 Cir RRC 0.251698 19.78 - 20.25 G
1.62 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947370962065280 -- 13 53 39.06 -65 42 28.8 Cir S -- 17.66 - 18.17 G
1.85 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946237090397952 -- 13 53 38.34 -65 45 24.0 Cir E 4.01369 18.98 - 19.87 G
1.94 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899370381252736 -- 13 54 02.97 -65 44 59.3 Cir E 0.61325 19.04 - 20.21 G
1.98 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947229207138688 -- 13 53 28.54 -65 43 49.3 Cir E 0.413081 18.35 - 18.74 G
2.10 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947229192822784 -- 13 53 27.72 -65 43 27.6 Cir L -- 18.22 - 18.58 G
2.53 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947469709482240 -- 13 53 42.63 -65 41 21.1 Cir S -- 17.38 - 18.33 G
2.56 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946993048612736 -- 13 54 05.35 -65 42 01.0 Cir E 0.383079 14.20 - 14.30 G
2.77 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899301726574720 -- 13 54 06.51 -65 45 49.5 Cir E 0.331104 18.41 - 18.94 G
2.95 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946202774549120 -- 13 53 32.91 -65 46 21.4 Cir S -- 17.66 - 18.56 G
3.05 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947474084994944 -- 13 53 46.69 -65 40 47.1 Cir ROT -- 16.10 - 16.14 G
3.17 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899267366609792 -- 13 54 02.31 -65 46 37.3 Cir ROT -- 15.95 - 16.01 G
3.26 Variable Gaia DR3 5851945824773708800 -- 13 53 16.07 -65 43 49.4 Cir E 5.5019 19.30 - 19.87 G
3.30 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899267301862656 -- 13 53 59.31 -65 46 54.6 Cir RRC 0.309162 19.54 - 20.24 G
3.57 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947096136604160 -- 13 54 10.06 -65 41 05.4 Cir S -- 17.41 - 18.22 G
3.58 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899473525057664 -- 13 54 16.91 -65 45 48.3 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE 0.1645424 14.63 - 14.68 G
3.65 Variable ASASSN-V J135401.24-654027.2 -- 13 54 01.24 -65 40 27.2 Cir EA 3.2439 11.87 - 12.25 V
3.71 Variable Gaia DR3 5851899473541495680 -- 13 54 19.64 -65 45 35.1 Cir E 0.350927 18.59 - 18.98 G
3.72 Variable ASASSN-V J135315.21-654526.8 -- 13 53 15.21 -65 45 26.8 Cir SR 213 13.77 - 13.91 V
4.07 Variable Gaia DR3 5851897721178349952 -- 13 53 38.04 -65 47 46.3 Cir VAR 0.0598198 16.74 - 16.77 G
4.09 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946030975921920 -- 13 53 08.73 -65 43 03.6 Cir RS -- 16.94 - 17.07 G
Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period Mag. range

4.13 Variable Gaia DR3 5851944656586312448 -- 13 53 29.36 -65 47 30.3 Cir E 2.10929 12.10 - 12.18 G
4.45 Variable Gaia DR3 5851944656586308224 -- 13 53 29.22 -65 47 51.3 Cir SR|M 126.3 13.92 - 14.52 G
4.70 Variable Gaia DR3 5851948126876746624 -- 13 53 43.97 -65 39 08.6 Cir E 0.65042 18.65 - 18.86 G
4.72 Variable Gaia DR3 5851948092560330240 -- 13 53 54.96 -65 39 10.0 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 14.07 - 14.10 G
4.75 Variable Gaia DR3 5851947989440980224 -- 13 54 04.65 -65 39 24.7 Cir E 0.288676 19.65 - 20.35 G
4.82 Variable Gaia DR3 5851950665168267648 -- 13 53 26.16 -65 39 33.1 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 13.64 - 13.68 G
4.87 Variable Gaia DR3 5851950669540704512 -- 13 53 25.82 -65 39 31.0 Cir DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE 9.5035 13.19 - 13.23 G
4.93 Variable Gaia DR3 5851946855609663488 -- 13 54 30.83 -65 41 39.4 Cir ROT -- 15.23 - 15.26 G
4.97 Variable Gaia DR3 5851944794034091264 -- 13 53 12.11 -65 47 11.4 Cir ROT -- 16.88 - 16.94 G
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