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within 5' of 19 46 13.27 +16 58 16.0
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Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

0.00 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912240603615616 -- 19 46 13.27 +16 58 15.9 Sge RRC 0.324474 20.32 - 20.98 G
0.56 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909281305955712 -- 19 46 14.95 +16 57 52.7 Sge RS -- 18.25 - 18.42 G
0.70 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909281305984512 -- 19 46 16.08 +16 58 27.2 Sge E 11.3211 18.04 - 18.46 G
1.05 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912201883721344 -- 19 46 09.21 +16 57 52.3 Sge ROT 8.4873 16.51 - 16.55 G
1.36 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909315665719424 -- 19 46 18.89 +16 58 03.6 Sge DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 15.26 - 15.30 G
1.38 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912274907854848 -- 19 46 07.57 +16 58 27.6 Sge E 0.29015 19.46 - 20.09 G
1.55 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909178226703232 -- 19 46 16.68 +16 56 56.7 Sge ROT 3.172 15.84 - 15.88 G
1.64 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912515467070464 -- 19 46 09.41 +16 59 37.5 Sge E 0.434328 16.44 - 16.51 G
1.76 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910797439735296 -- 19 46 06.13 +16 57 49.9 Sge RRC 0.277438 19.89 - 20.84 G
2.04 Variable Gaia DR3 1820908972068252288 -- 19 46 17.56 +16 56 29.9 Sge E 0.78837 14.57 - 14.69 G
2.11 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912481107340416 -- 19 46 05.13 +16 59 04.5 Sge S -- 17.34 - 18.13 G
2.14 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912515467079040 -- 19 46 06.68 +16 59 42.9 Sge ROT 3.03847 16.83 - 17.02 G
2.53 Variable Gaia DR3 1820907739422358656 -- 19 46 06.63 +16 56 17.8 Sge E 1.95809 17.35 - 17.62 G
2.62 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909109507234176 -- 19 46 23.31 +16 57 13.5 Sge S -- 17.84 - 18.59 G
2.72 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909148212645632 -- 19 46 24.62 +16 58 09.4 Sge RS -- 17.35 - 17.49 G
3.00 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910969293395328 -- 19 46 00.75 +16 58 21.1 Sge S -- 16.10 - 17.05 G
3.04 Variable Gaia DR3 1820911068012415104 -- 19 46 01.26 +16 59 15.8 Sge E 0.90024 16.53 - 16.98 G
3.07 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909732328201600 -- 19 46 25.70 +16 59 01.8 Sge E 1.70617 14.95 - 16.07 G
3.27 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909732286459264 -- 19 46 26.57 +16 59 00.3 Sge E 0.341402 18.90 - 19.66 G
3.27 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910655695440256 -- 19 46 01.17 +16 56 44.8 Sge S -- 17.35 - 18.54 G
3.32 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909040789097600 -- 19 46 25.52 +16 56 42.0 Sge ROT 1.08718 17.99 - 18.09 G
3.32 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909045133416576 -- 19 46 25.80 +16 56 49.6 Sge DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 12.93 - 12.97 G
3.33 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910969238436480 -- 19 45 59.46 +16 57 50.8 Sge ROT -- 15.89 - 16.00 G
3.44 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912721625518976 -- 19 46 08.55 +17 01 30.8 Sge E 0.66801 15.84 - 16.17 G
Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period Mag. range

3.50 Variable Gaia DR3 1820908937708486656 -- 19 46 23.81 +16 55 50.6 Sge ROT -- 17.91 - 18.01 G
3.50 Variable Gaia DR3 1820913099582626688 -- 19 46 13.32 +17 01 46.0 Sge E 0.375627 16.98 - 17.17 G
3.52 Variable FU Sge 000-BFD-461 19 46 14.81 +16 54 45.8 Sge EA/SD 1.0616623 15.5 - 17.5 p
3.60 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909831061893888 -- 19 46 24.70 +17 00 36.0 Sge VAR 0.287285 16.01 - 16.33 G
3.65 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912859064439424 -- 19 46 18.74 +17 01 40.3 Sge S -- 15.94 - 16.47 G
3.74 Variable Gaia DR3 1820913477554211456 -- 19 46 08.75 +17 01 50.7 Sge S -- 17.78 - 18.58 G
3.83 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910660041515392 -- 19 45 58.63 +16 56 43.3 Sge VAR 0.01971 16.54 - 16.56 G
4.11 Variable NSVS J1946282+165617 -- 19 46 28.26 +16 56 15.2 Sge SR 47.5476442 13.767 (0.302) g
4.12 Variable Gaia DR3 1820912889078635008 -- 19 46 26.01 +17 01 02.4 Sge SR|M 87.59 13.68 - 14.12 G
4.46 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910827514919680 -- 19 45 55.23 +16 57 08.7 Sge E 0.398053 19.30 - 19.88 G
4.54 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910625640857088 -- 19 45 56.75 +16 56 02.0 Sge S -- 17.47 - 17.75 G
4.62 Variable Gaia DR3 1820908220499680512 -- 19 46 29.97 +16 55 56.6 Sge ROT 3.08799 17.55 - 17.60 G
4.69 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909865421600384 -- 19 46 31.67 +16 59 53.3 Sge S -- 17.89 - 18.69 G
4.71 Variable ZTF J194558.26+165512.5 -- 19 45 58.26 +16 55 12.6 Sge RS 16.1006522 17.627 (0.232) r
4.72 Variable Gaia DR3 1820910934919456256 -- 19 45 53.58 +16 57 53.7 Sge ROT 3.27136 17.53 - 17.59 G
4.77 Variable Gaia DR3 1820906639951943424 -- 19 46 18.79 +16 53 40.9 Sge DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 12.98 - 13.01 G
4.83 Variable Gaia DR3 1820907224067620992 -- 19 46 00.01 +16 54 37.7 Sge ROT -- 16.38 - 16.43 G
4.92 Variable Gaia DR3 1820909865421283840 -- 19 46 31.48 +17 00 32.8 Sge DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE -- 13.31 - 13.35 G
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