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  V2493 Sgr  
000-BFG-850 (No observations)  
Sagittarius Sequence
18 00 40.90 -29 00 13.0  (270.17042 -29.00361) Search nearby
B1950.0 17 57 30.13 -29 00 09.0
Galactic coord. 1.615 -2.872
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2MASS J18004093-2900126 Downes V2493 Sgr OGLE BLG174.7.96967
OGLE BUL-SC21 739864 OGLE BUL_SC21_739864 OGLE-BLG-LPV-173359
OGLEII DIA BUL-SC21 V2646 UCAC4 305-170248  
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Variability type
Spectral type --
Mag. range
15.4 - 17.1 p
Discoverer --
16 Jun 1953 (HJD 2434545)
Outburst --
Period --
Rise/eclipse dur. --
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1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto GaiaDR2 parallax indicates it is a giant and not a K7V star.
2 Otero, Sebastian Alberto According to the chart in 1968BANS....3...79O, V2493 Sgr is not the M3IIIe star proposed in 1996A&AS..117..449Z (that is the SRS variable OGLEII DIA BUL-SC21 V2645 and it is called the SW component in that paper). Downes (2001) refers to that star and spectrum for the "non-cv" classification but with V2493 Sgr's position. The Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, v. July, 2012) identifies V2493 Sgr as the M3IIIe based on 1996A&AS..117..449Z but the original chart (1968BANS....3...79O) clearly indicates V2493 Sgr is the Eastern component. It is constant in OGLE data (Ic= 12.6; V= 15.0). It is a K7V star. There are four stars around V2493 Sgr's position although 1996A&AS..117..449Z mentions only a trio. It is also not blue as stated in the GCVS remark (that remark coming from 1976MNRAS.174..169E probably means it is not as blue as the typical mira variables). The Northern component, also with a K7V spectrum in 1996A&AS..117..449Z, is OGLE BUL-SC21 739934 (constant, V= 16.0, Ic= 13.8) not OGLE BUL-SC21 740353 as indicated by Skiff (2012). This latter star is 2" to its SW and is bluer with V= 16.5 and Ic= 15.4 (possible microvariable). The original reference classified V2493 Sgr as a mira with only one maximum recorded and a range 15.4 - 17.1 p. Variability may be spurious due to the blending of the three or four stars (all inside a 6" circle) or may correspond to an unknown background transient object. Time of maximum in the original reference has been kept.
3 GCVS Team Blue [T.L.Evans, MN 174, 169, 1976.].
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Samus, N. N.; Kazarovets, E. V.; Durlevich, O. V.; et al., 2017, General
Catalogue of Variable Stars: Version GCVS 5.1 (November 2019)
2 Soszynski, I.; et al., 2013, The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment.
The OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars. XV. Long-Period Variables in the
Galactic Bulge
3 Catalogue of Stellar Spectral Classifications (Skiff, 2012) 2010yCat....102023S
4 R.A. Downes et al., 2001, PASP 113, 764 (2006 archival version) 2005JAD....11....2D
5 Szymanski, 2005, Acta Astron. 55, 43 (online data) 2005AcA....55...43S
6 R.A. Downes et al., 2001, PASP 113, 764 2001PASP..113..764D
7 Zwitter and Munari, 1996, CCD spectrophotometry of CVs. III. 3270-9000A
atlas for 38 faint systems.
8 Lloyd Evans, T., 1976, Red variables in the central bulge of the Galaxy. I.
The period distribution of Mira variables.
9 P.Th.Oosterhoff, J.Ponsen, BAN Suppl 3, N2, 79, 1968. 1968BANS....3...79O
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1 Finding chart Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-09-24 19:40 UTC Finding chart with the original chart for V2493 Sgr (1968BANS....3...79O) and an ESO B image of the field.
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Revision History
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5 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2020-05-24 18:42 UTC Position from the GCVS (November 2019 version).
4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2019-09-09 04:49 UTC Type and amplitude from OGLE data. Period from 2013AcA....63...21S. Gaia DR2 position.
3 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-09-24 19:38 UTC Type from OGLE DIA Ic data. Spectral type from 1996A&AS..117..449Z. Magnitude from OGLE data and 1996A&AS..117..449Z. UCAC4 position.
2 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.