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  NSV 11252  
Scutum Sequence
18 43 29.70 -09 19 12.5  (280.87375 -9.32014) Search nearby
B1950.0 18 40 45.16 -09 22 15.7
Galactic coord. 23.732 -2.488
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J18432970-0919127 ALS 9901 ASAS J184330-0919.2
BD-09 4805 GSC 05692-00926 HD 173010
LS IV -09 23 MWC 952 NPM2 -09.1489
PPM 202071 SAO 142545 TYC 5692-926-1
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Variability type --
Spectral type Oe
Mag. range
9.28 - ? V
Discoverer --
Outburst --
Period --
Rise/eclipse dur. --
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Maíz Apellániz, J.; Sota, A.; Arias, J. I.; et al., 2016, The Galactic
O-Star Spectroscopic Survey (GOSSS). III. 142 Additional O-type Systems.
2 J. Alfonso-Garzon, A. Domingo, J.M. Mas-Hesse, A. Gimenez, 2012,
arXiv:1210.0821 [astro-ph.IM] (online info)
3 Sota, A.; et al., 2011, The Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey. I.
Classification System and Bright Northern Stars in the Blue-violet at R ~
4 Hanson R.B., Klemola A.R., Jones B.F., Monet D.G., 2004, AJ 128, 1430 2004AJ....128.1430H
5 Hanson R.B., Klemola A.R., Jones B.F., Monet D.G., 2004, AJ 128, 1430 2004AJ....128.1430H
6 Pojmanski, G., 2002, The All Sky Automated Survey 2002AcA....52..397P
7 G.Muench, L.Muench, ApJ 140, 162, 1964. 1964ApJ...140..162M
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Revision History
Currently approved revision is checked. Click revision number to view details of that revision.
5 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2018-07-10 07:53 UTC Spectral type from 2016ApJS..224....4M.
4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2015-12-31 03:14 UTC Range from GCPD, APASS and ASAS-3 data. UCAC4 position. Spectral type from 2011ApJS..193...24S.
3 Admin, VSX 2010-01-18 23:18 UTC Update from NSV version of July 2009.
2 Admin, VSX 2007-03-23 20:07 UTC Position from the Lick NPM2 catalog [2004AJ....128.1430H].
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial database population.