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  V1008 Sgr  
000-BFF-475 (No observations)  
Sagittarius Sequence
18 04 07.49 -33 46 58.2  (271.03121 -33.78283) Search nearby
B1950.0 18 00 49.06 -33 47 09.0
Galactic coord. 357.793 -5.850
Other names

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2MASS J18040802-3346540 ASAS J180408-3347.0 HAT 622-37905
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Variability type
Spectral type --
Mag. range
14.2 - 15.0 p
Discoverer --
21 Oct 1935 (HJD 2428097.26) Ephemeris
Outburst --
Period 11.5918 d
Rise/eclipse dur. 30%  (3.48 d)
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 J. Alfonso-Garzon, A. Domingo, J.M. Mas-Hesse, A. Gimenez, 2012,
arXiv:1210.0821 [astro-ph.IM] (online info)
2 I. Soszynski et al., 2011, arXiv:1112.1406v1 [astro-ph.SR] (online V data) 2011arXiv1112.1406S
3 I. Soszynski et al., 2011, arXiv:1112.1406v1 [astro-ph.SR] (Chart) 2011arXiv1112.1406S
4 I. Soszynski et al., 2011, arXiv:1112.1406v1 [astro-ph.SR] (online I data) 2011arXiv1112.1406S
5 I. Soszynski et al., 2011, arXiv:1112.1406v1 [astro-ph.SR] 2011arXiv1112.1406S
6 Soszynski, I.; et al., 2011, The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment.
The OGLE-III Catalog of Variable Stars. XIV. Classical and TypeII Cepheids
in the Galactic Bulge
7 D.M. Nataf, K.Z. Stanek, G.A. Bakos, 2010, arXiv:1009.2502v1 [astro-ph.GA] 2010arXiv1009.2502N
8 G.Pojmanski, Acta Astronomica 52, 397, 2002. 2002AcA....52..397P
9 L.Plaut, Leid Ann 20, N1, 3, 1948. 1948AnLei..20....3P
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Revision History
Currently approved revision is checked. Click revision number to view details of that revision.
4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2019-09-28 23:00 UTC Period, epoch, magnitude and amplitude from 2011AcA....61..285S (2018 version).
3 Admin, VSX 2011-12-09 04:20 UTC Update from [2011arXiv1112.1406S].
2 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.