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Details for Revision 5
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  NSV 12298  
000-BCH-519 (63 observations)  
Cygnus Sequence
19 40 38.79 +46 45 02.3  (295.16163 +46.75064) Search nearby
B1950.0 19 39 09.32 +46 37 59.1
Galactic coord. 79.809 +11.666
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J19403879+4645023 AAVSO 1937+46B GSC 03556-03202
KIC 9899216 NPM2 +46.1195 TYC 3556-3202-1
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Variability type
Spectral type --
Mag. range
10.8 (0.02) Kp
Discoverer E. Leiner
Outburst --
Period 10.915763 d
Rise/eclipse dur. --
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 2012arXiv1203.6115T Eccentric binary system with tidal distortions and tidally-induced pulsations.
2 Renz, Wolfgang Suspectedness is based on a single remark "Comp d seems to be weak; Estimate d 0 e" in 1924AN....221..101L for an Argelander type estimate sequence on BR Cyg with Comp d = 12.51 steps and Comp e = 16.38 steps on the average step scale.
3 GCVS Team Comp. *d for BR Cyg. Const [F.W.Wright, HA 89, No.13, 1940.].
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Kirk, B.; et al., 2016, Kepler Eclipsing Binary Stars. VII. The Catalog of
Eclipsing Binaries Found in the Entire Kepler Data Set
2 Smullen, R. A.; Kobulnicky, H. A., 2015, Heartbeat Stars: Spectroscopic
Orbital Solutions for Six Eccentric Binary Systems
3 S.E. Thompson, M. Everett, F. Mullally et al., 2012, arXiv:1203.6115v1
4 S.E. Thompson, M. Everett, F. Mullally et al., 2012, arXiv:1203.6115v1
5 Hanson R.B., Klemola A.R., Jones B.F., Monet D.G., 2004, AJ 128, 1430 2004AJ....128.1430H
6 Beobachtungen, Elemente und mittlere Lichtkurve des Algolsterns BR Cygni 1924AN....221..101L
7 E.Leiner, AN 221, 102, 1924. 1924AN....221..101L
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Revision History
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8 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2019-01-10 23:40 UTC Epoch from 2015ApJ...808..166S.
7 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2019-01-10 23:24 UTC Period and spectral type from 2015ApJ...808..166S.
6 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2017-06-15 23:14 UTC Type and period from 2016AJ....151...68K. V magnitude from APASS. UCAC4 position
5 Admin, VSX 2012-03-30 03:30 UTC Update from [2012arXiv1203.6115T].
4 Admin, VSX 2007-03-23 20:07 UTC Position from the Lick NPM2 catalog [2004AJ....128.1430H].
3 Renz, Wolfgang 2006-08-05 21:58 UTC Set coords to TYC-2 coords of GSC 3556-3202.
Set type to const: (GCVS ref 1666: F.W.Wright, HA 89, No.13, 1940 = 1940AnHar..89...21W).
Set max mag to Simbad V mag value for GSC 03556-03202 that fit recent V band obs.
Set amplitude to vis mag equivalent of Leiner's steps.
Added object remark on source of variability.
2 Huziak, Richard 2006-07-12 16:56 UTC ACP plots NSV 12298 to a blank space of sky just NE of GSC 3556-3202. Original source of NSV designation is GCVS REF 1666 F.W.Wright, HA 89, No.13, 1940. (See pp. 203 & 207 for reference to "d" comp star). Offset from 1900 coordinates given by Wright match in linear regression of recession, and 1923 coordinates by Leiner (see GCVS reference) fit as well. NSV 12298 = GSC 3556-3202 and is at position 19 40 38.80 +46 45 02.2 (2000), not 194039.6+464509 gieven by GCVS. B. Skiff agrees with this assessment as well (private e-mail).
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial database population.