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Details for Revision 4
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  eta Car  
000-BBR-655 (36149 observations)  
Carina Sequence
10 45 03.54 -59 41 04.0  (161.26475 -59.68444) Search nearby
B1950.0 10 43 06.78 -59 25 16.2
Galactic coord. 287.597 -0.630
Other names

(Internal only)
AAVSO 1041-59 CD-59 3306 CPD-59 2620
HD 93308 HR 4210 Hen 3-481
MWC 214 RAFGL 4114 SAO 238429
X 10440-594    
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Variability type
Spectral type pec(e)
Mag. range
-0.8 - 7.9 V
Discoverer Burchell (1827)
Outburst --
Period --
Rise/eclipse dur. --
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1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto After the 2020 event, the orbital period can be reconciled to 2022.9 d. for all the datasets including the 1981 one, so the period change around 1998 is not supported.
2 Otero, Sebastian Alberto Possibly the most massive heartbeat binary according to 2018arXiv180105445R. A pulsation period of 58.8 d. was found. On January 2018, eta Carinae is around V= 4.3 with small amplitude fluctuations (~0.1 mag.). The elements given in the table are for the recent visual minima accompanying the X-ray minima. Historical data reveal several period changes coincident with mass ejection events. Before the 1844 eruption P= 1922 d. Second eruption in 1887. Third smaller eruption in 1941 (2011MNRAS.415.2009S). Fourth eruption in 1998. Period between 1981-1998 was 2020 d. After 1998 P= 2024 d. according to visual and V data from AAVSO, OALP and Otero.
3 GCVS Team In the emission nebula NGC 3372 in the region of the cluster Tr 16. A very massive young star surrounded by an expanding gas and dust shell with the diameter 2" at 2mu and 6.5" at 12.2mu. Maximum brightness was observed in 1843. Since 1880 varies in the range 5.9 - 7.9 V. In the interval JD2434000 - 41000 Max = 2434037 + 1110d*E. There are emission lines of H, HeI, FeII, [FeII], etc. in the spectrum. Description of the spectrum [N.R.Walborn, M.H.Liller, ApJ 211, 181, 1977., R.Viotti, Mem SAIt 39, N1, 105, 1968.]. Soft X-ray source of variable intensity.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Richardson, N. D.; Pablo, H.; Sterken, C.; et al., 2018,
BRITE-Constellation reveals evidence for pulsations in the enigmatic binary
eta Carinae
2 Smith, N.; Frew, D. J., 2011, A revised historical light curve of Eta
Carinae and the timing of close periastron encounters
3 Fernández-Lajús, E.; Fariña, C.; Torres, A. F.; et al., 2009, Long-term
optical monitoring of η Carinae. Multiband light curves for a complete
orbital period
4 Fernández Lajús, E., 2003- , La Plata optical monitoring of Eta Carinae
(online light curve)
5 F.M.Bateson, M.Morel, B.Sumner, R.Winnett, Charts for Southern Variables,
ser. N11, 1979.
6 A.Feinstein, H.G.Marraco, AsAp 30, 271, 1974. 1974A&A....30..271F
7 W. Ceraski, 1908, Nouvelles de la Science, Variétés 1908BSAFR..22..241C
8 W. Ceraski, 1908, Nouvelles de la Science, Variétés 1908BSAFR..22..241C
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3 Phase plot 2020 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2020-05-06 06:47 UTC Updated phase plot after the 2020 event. Data are mainly from the OALP group and the AAVSO.
2 JD Light curve 1952-2018 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2018-01-19 05:56 UTC JD light curve with all sources from the literature taken to the same zero point.
1 Visual phase plot centered on the minima. Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2018-01-19 05:51 UTC Plot showing data from all available literature sources, mainly AAVSO and OALP. Each event plotted with a different color for comparison.
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Revision History
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6 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2020-05-06 06:47 UTC Period from AAVSO and OALP group data.
5 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2018-01-19 05:16 UTC Type from 2018arXiv180105445R. Period and epoch from all literature sources (AAVSO, OALP, Otero visual). Maximum magnitude from 2009A&A...493.1093F.
4 Billiaert, Bruno 2015-12-29 23:58 UTC year of discovery (1908BSAFR..22..241C)
3 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
2 Admin, VSX 2007-03-23 19:52 UTC Discoverer added.
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial database population.