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Details for Revision 1
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  GG Car  
000-BDJ-250 (324 observations)  
Carina Sequence
10 55 58.90 -60 23 33.0  (163.99542 -60.39250) Search nearby
B1950.0 10 53 57.91 -60 07 30.8
Galactic coord. 289.133 -0.651
Other names

(Internal only)
2MASS J10555892-6023334 CD-59 3425 CPD-59 2855
HD 94878 HIP 53444 Hen 3-526
MWC 215 PPM 778230 RAFGL 4118
SAO 251181 SPH 111 SS73 26
TYC 8958-3953-1    
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Variability type
Spectral type Beq
Mag. range
9.1 - 9.5 p
Discoverer --
12 Nov 1939 (HJD 2429580.13) Ephemeris
Outburst --
Period 62.086 d
Rise/eclipse dur. --
Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 Otero, Sebastian Alberto J-K= 1.78. Surrounded by a gas and dust envelope. Spectroscopic elements in 2012A&A...540A..91M confirm the variability is orbital but the light curve shows the system is not eclipsing and displays only one maximum and one minimum. Spectral type B0Ve in 2004A&AT...23..213P and B0.0Ve in 2012ApJS..199....8G but considered as a supergiant in other publications. (O8V)e+K3: in Buscombe (1995) and B5/6[e]+K3: in 1994A&AS..104..315T. Reflection effect on the cooler star? 0".32 visual binary (A= 8.9; B= 11.6 Hp) according to the Hipparcos catalogue.
2 GCVS Team Min II 9.5. Gas and dust envelope.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 J. Alfonso-Garzon, A. Domingo, J.M. Mas-Hesse, A. Gimenez, 2012,
arXiv:1210.0821 [astro-ph.IM] (online info)
2 Gudennavar, S. B., et al., 2012, A Compilation of Interstellar Column
3 Polushina, T. S., 2012, Catalogue of massive close binaries with early-type
components of the main sequence: observed characteristics.
4 Marchiano, P. et al., 2012, The spectroscopic orbits and physical
parameters of GG Carinae
5 S.W. Dvorak, 2004, IBVS 5549 2004IBVS.5549....1D
6 Polushina, T. S., 2004, Catalogue of massive close binaries with early-type
components of the main sequence: observed characteristics
7 The, P. S., et al., 1994, A new catalogue of members and candidate members
of the Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stellar group
8 Gosset, E., et al., 1984, Photoelectric photometry of the peculiar
emission-line star GG Carinae
9 S.Gaposchkin, HA 113, N2, 1953. 1953AnHar.113...67G
10 W.E.Kruytbosch, BAN 6, 11, 1930. 1930BAN.....6...11K
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1 Phase plot Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-07-05 08:58 UTC Phase plot with ASAS-3 and Hipparcos data.
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Revision History
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4 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2012-07-05 08:43 UTC Period from 2012A&A...540A..91M. Type, epoch of maximum and maximum magnitude from ASAS-3 and Hipparcos data. Minimum magnitude from 1984A&AS...55..411G. Spectral type from 2012ApJS..199....8G and 1994A&AS..104..315T.
3 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
2 Admin, VSX 2009-04-04 03:38 UTC Update from [2004IBVS.5549....1D].
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.