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  V1057 Cyg  
000-BCN-004 (18427 observations)  
Cygnus Sequence
20 58 53.74 +44 15 28.4  (314.72392 +44.25789) Search nearby
B1950.0 20 57 06.30 +44 03 46.0
Proper motion
RA: -1.2 +/- 3.7 mas/yDec: -1.5 +/- 3.0 mas/ySource: UCAC4
Galactic coord. 85.460 -1.047
Other names

(Internal only)
AAVSO 2055+43 ASASSN-V J205853.69+441527.1 HBC 300
IOMC 3179000128 LkHA 190 SON 7817
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Variability type
Spectral type B3-Ke(T)
Mag. range
10.3 - 16.5 B
Discoverer --
Outburst --
Period --
Rise/eclipse dur. --
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1 GCVS Team In the dark nebula, in the region of the North America nebula (NGC 7000). In 1969 - 70 (JD2440400 - 830) the outburst from 16.5m to 10.3m occured. Brightness maximum was observed at JD2440830 (spectrum - B3). Before the outburst the light changed in the range 15.5m - 16.5m, the spectral type was Ke with characteristic features of T Tau type stars [G.H.Herbig, ApJ 128, 259, 1958., G.H.Herbig, N.K.Rao, Lick Contr N355=ApJ 174, 401, 1972.]. After the outburst the brightness began to weaken monotonouosly and in 1982 reached 13.1m B (the spectral type about G2 - G5 Ib). Strong Halpha emission appeared in 1971. There are also small rapid light fluctuations. Description of light variations [L.Meinunger, W.Wenzel, MVS 5, H.9, 170, 1971., F.Gieseking, Bonn Veroeff N87, 1973., A.Ya.Filin, Perem. Zvezdy Supplement 2, N8, 63, 1974., O.E.Mandel', Perem. Zvezdy 20, N1, 123, 1975.]. The star is associated with a luminous arc-shaped reflection nebula. This nebula with length of about 3' appeared in 1971 and its brightness is gradually decreasing simultaneously with the fading of the star.
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1 Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kolotilov, E. A.; Arkharov, A. A., 2013, Photometric
behaviour of the FU Orionis type star, V1057 Cygni, during the last 25
2 J. Alfonso-Garzon, A. Domingo, J.M. Mas-Hesse, A. Gimenez, 2012,
arXiv:1210.0821 [astro-ph.IM] (online info)
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Catalog Data
Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
2MASS J = 8.05H = 7.04K = 6.23J - K = 1.82
AllWISE W1 = 5.00W2 = 3.97W3 = 1.70W4 = -0.34W1 - W2 = 1.03W3 - W4 = 2.04
APASS-DR9 B = 14.26V = 12.33g' = 13.45r' = 11.61i' = 10.73B - V = 1.93
Please review Digitized Sky Survey Acknowledgment and Copyright.
Size 5' x 5' (297 x 298 pixels)
Center 20 58 53.74 +44 15 28.4 (J2000)
Source STScI

Red, all sky, 1.0 arcsec/pixel
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Revision History
Currently approved revision is checked. Click revision number to view details of that revision.
3 Otero, Sebastian Alberto 2014-05-19 21:40 UTC Type from 2013MNRAS.434...38K.
2 Admin, VSX 2010-01-05 04:43 UTC Position updated from the GCVS version of November 2009.
1 Admin, VSX 2005-12-18 01:33 UTC Initial upload.